
Showing posts from August, 2022

TUESDAY, August 30th Ladies Life Group and More and WEDNESDAY, August 31st

 TUESDAY At the end of the LADIES LIFE GROUP, our leader (Elaine D. who has led this group for a very long time, many years before I started) announced that she and her husband will be leaving Freedom Church to move forward on their next ministry. REVIVAL FIRE MINISTRIES out of Batavia. We were all in shock.  However, I think others, besides me, have noticed and realized that her ability to lead the group has deteriorated over the past few years.  Today was her last day leading.  The rest of us will meet in two weeks and discuss how we will continue, and who might be our leader.  Many of us want Cindi to take over, and she would be excellent, but she has indicated that she does not want to. She just started her own FREEDOM GROUP on Saturday mornings.  When the meeting was over, Cindi went out to pick up Chinese food from the Mayflower and a couple of others went to other places to pick up lunch, and many of us ate lunch together.  Then several of us stayed to play SEQUENCE.  I was at a

Sunday, August 28th, 2022 Birthday Cake with Myrna and Monday the 29th

 I went to Niagara Produce before church and purchased a small carrot cake and some Carson's cookies (assorted).   After church, Peggy, Pam, Cindi, Betty and I met up at Myrna's apartment to share "birthday cake" with Myrna and her granddaughter, Lissa.  This is a picture of the cheesecake.  But we also had chocolate cake, carrot cake and cookies. We all had a good visit.   I think Myrna appreciated it.   After that, Cindi and I went to the REVITALIZATION MEETING for the Official Union Station Restoration Group at the Niagara County Golf Course on Davison Road.    It was not at all organized and turnout was poor.   I tried to get pictures of everyone who was there without being intrusive, but I did not do a good job.   MONDAY the 29th I had a chiropractic appointment and a dermatological appointment this morning.  Both went well.  I spent the rest of the day at home, working on a few things.  I talked with Peg on the phone, also with Betty and also with Lori Rivers. 

Saturday August 27th, 2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Peggy!!!!!

 Peggy and David treated me, Betty and Pam to a late lunch at THE AMHERST BUFFET in order to celebrate her 61st birthday.  On the way there, Betty called Myrna so she could join us in singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Peggy.  Also, on the way there, I gave Peggy the album with her wedding pictures in it.  She seemed to really like it.  Our meal was great.  I think we all ate too much.   It was me, Peg, David, Pam and Elizabeth.     Before returning to Lockport we stopped at a Wegmans and purchased a small cheesecake and a large slice of chocolate cake.  We will take those to Myrna's apartment tomorrow after church so that she can help us celebrate with "birthday cake".

Wednesday August 24th and Thursday August 25th and Friday August 26th, 2022

WEDNESDAY: I had an appointment with my ear, nose and throat doc this morning.  He changed the medication that he prescribed for acid reflux to something milder.  He also removed some stringy wax from my left ear. After that, I decided to go to Wegmans mostly because I have been craving cottage cheese and the stores in Lockport do not sell LACTAID cottage cheese.  I decided to finish of my Wegmans gift card so purchased toilet paper, tissues and other non-food items.  I also purchased several food items including a chicken salad sandwich, which I ate on the way home.  I also stopped at HI-QUALITY and filled up on gasoline, since that is the cheapest place to get gas and I was going right by it. I looked over the receipts that Marlene gave me and wrote her a check for my half of our meals in the lodge in Glacier.  Barb called to tell me that she and the others plan to meet at Day Road Park at noon on Friday.  I told her that I have a travel meeting at the Dale at ten a.m. on Friday, but

Monday, August 22, 2022 and Tuesday August 23rd, 2022

 MONDAY:  I slept horribly last night and was already planning my nap when I got up.  A few weeks ago at the Community Market, I stopped at the Healthy Neighborhoods Program table and got information.  I scheduled an appointment for this morning at ten a.m.  Mark came and checked all of my smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors and put two new smoke detectors up.  He also gave me a new fire extinguisher, a first aid kid, a grabber, mousetraps and an envelope full of information which I will check out later on.   When I was eating lunch and watching TV, I accidentally spilled lemonade on my tray table.  The tiniest bit got on the remote control, and it stopped working.  I called ROKU to hopefully order a new one but was put on hold and finally gave up.  A guy in the electronics department in Wal-Mart told me that they carry them, and they should have a delivery of them tomorrow.   My plans for the evening were to go to the car show at Ida Fritz Park and see Elvis impersonator Ter


After church today, Peggy held an event for the seniors.  We met up (I think there were 26 of us) at the Parkside Drive-In right across the road from Day Road Park for lunch.  We had a row of picnic tables inside the rear shelter.  I had a grilled chicken sandwich and a Dr. Pepper.  I sat with Peggy, David, Glenda, Jan and Pam.   After we were finished with lunch, we walked over to HALF BAKED, a cookie and ice cream place.  I didn't think I would be able to get anything to eat since I can't eat ice cream and I didn't want to pay four dollars for a cookie, but when I went up to buy Louise Meisenburg a hot fudge sundae (she is still concerned about being close to a lot of people, due to COVID), I noticed that they offered peach shortcake, so I had some.  It was pretty good.   I tried to get pictures of everyone who was there today. I relaxed at home the rest of the day, rather than taking a nap, since I was not tired due to having Dr. Pepper.  I typed out a letter to my frien

Saturday, August 20th MUD CREEK CENTRAL RAILROAD/Akron/Lobster Dinner

 I picked both Pam and Jan up around ten thirty a.m. this morning and we headed out to the MUD CREEK CENTRAL RAILROAD, which was having an open house.  Using directions, I got from a mapquest and a Niagara County map we found our way there easily.  There were a lot of cars and people there already.  I purchased two tickets for Jan and I to ride the small train.  Pam did not want to go on it.  I enjoyed the ride immensely.  It was a long ride, probably 20 minutes, through fields and forest areas.   Basically, it is a giant layout of a miniature train, complete with sign, railroad crossings and buildings, even a bigfoot!  The train derailed twice and had to be put back on the tracks. Picture taking was forbidden.  Pam took this picture of the train Jan and I were on as it returned to the "station".  The facebook description says this:     " 1 1/2" scale railroad club. We have 6000' of main line track with sidings, engine house, turn table, bridges, tunnel, and a t

FRIDAY, August 19th, 2022 RECIPE FOR CUCUMBER, ONION and TOMATO Salad etc.

 I made a couple of medical appointments this morning and also contacted Hearts and Hands to hopefully get some help with transportation.  I also took care of looking into and paying for an extended warranty for my washing machine/dryer set.  Then I went to Niagara Produce to pick up a few items so I could use this recipe that I saw on Facebook this morning. Cucumber, Onion, and Tomato Salad,  3 Tomatoes, 3 cucumbers, 1 onion, 1/2 cup vinegar, 1 teaspoon of cracked pepper, (I used less) 2 tablespoons of sugar 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 cup of water, 1/4 cup of olive oil, mix well. Let it chill for 1-2 hours...   I modified this recipe substituting green pepper and cabbage for tomatoes and onions.  I followed the dressing recipe exactly.  I will put it over the chopped vegetables tomorrow morning.  I also made corn muffins and I might make chocolate pudding in the morning.  All of this to take to Peggy and David's house tomorrow night at five thirty. Earlier, I called Betty and left a m

Thursday, August 18, 2022 Millers, Revelation Study and Marvins Old Cars and Live Music

 I did some work in the house, mainly vacuuming, this morning before David picked me up to go to MILLERS.  We picked up frozen lobster for dinner this coming Saturday night at their house.  We also stopped at a farmstand to get some donut peaches.  I sent some of them over to Peggy via David.  When I got home I finished vacuuming and packed lunch to take to Betty's apartment for our REVELATION study.  I had purchased sandwiches at Millers as well as potato chips and oatmeal cookies.  I met up with Betty and Peggy and we had lunch together and did our study, completing the fourth DVD. Then I went home and took a nap.  When I got up, it was time to get ready to meet up with Lori and Pam at Marvins Widewater for the old cars and live music.  Pam cancelled and Lori was late, but she and I met up around 6:20 p.m.  It was terribly crowded and the line for ordering food and drinks was long all of the time I was there.   The Dave Viterna Band was performing.  They played a lot of old easy

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022 Wilson-Tuscarora State Park

  Wilson-Tuscarora State Park  is a 485-acre (1.96 km 2 )  state park  in  Niagara County ,  New York . [1]  The park is located on the west side of the  Village of Wilson  along the south shore of  Lake Ontario . Lake Road ( New York State Route 18 ) passes through the park. Jan and I met up at my house at ten a.m. and headed out to Wilson to go to Wilson-Tuscarora State Park.  We had been there last year and wanted to return.  When we arrived, there was a sign saying PARK IS FREE at the entrance booth.  First, we drove north to the end of the park, which was at a marina.  We tlurned around and backtracked to a parking area which we found last year.  This lot goes right down to the beach.  We walked to the left since we had not walked on that part of the beach yet.  It goes all the way down to an inlet.  We were delighted to see some beautiful swans.  We sat at a picnic table and watched them.   There were several interesting spots along the shore where we walked, so I gave my camera