
Showing posts from April, 2019


This morning I was awake early so I went to the Y for AQUA STRETCH.   It was led by Amanda (who is very energetic and encouraging).  There was a large group.  I am glad I went to this early class because the next class SILVER SNEAKERS SPLASH was cancelled.  I worked out and walked both before and after AS.  Then I ran a couple of errands and went home for lunch and a nap. I picked Betty up at 5:40 and we went to the Y for WALKING WITH A PURPOSE.  There was a younger man named David  there, and our instructor was Dan (or maybe Don) who really knows a lot about walking. For 45 minute we practiced proper arm movements while walking.  I had a rough time coordinating everything, but I think I finally got it.

Sunday 4/29/19

Betty asked me to accompany her while she took her son in laws mother to Roswell to visit her daughter, Liz.  I agreed.  We left right after church and picked Lela up.  Betty drove on the expressways at Lela's request. However, both Lela and Betty call the expressways" the thruway". We were there about three hours.  Betty and I had lunch in the cafeteria (cheese steak sandwiches, which were not all that good). Liz is not in good condition.  She had a tumor removed from her neck/throat, which meant that she has lost her voice box and cannot speak.  I prayed for her before we left. Betty and I took a break while Lela spent time with Liz and walked around the courtyard.  I took several pictures of the spring blossoms and flowers. In the evening, I spoke with Connie on the phone and then I called Christa to ask her how her new job is going.  She was very pleasant and seems to like her new job.

SPRING INTO NATURE at the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge

Betty, Dee and I went to this event.  Unfortunately,  it was cold and windy today, with occasional windy rain.  Much of this event was held inside. Our first stop was the gift shop in the Visitors Center.  I purchased these three butterfly items for a total of $4.50 (they were trying to get rid of them). We walked around looking at the inside exhibits. We ran into the Campbells with three of their grandkids.  We also saw Betty's son in laws stepfather.  there were many craft opportunities for kids including making this TOAD ABODE. We probably would have stayed longer but it was damp and cold and windy.  So We left around noon to head to the Tonawanda Indian Reservation to have lunch at JOANDY'S PLACE  My hot dog and sweet potato fries was good and only cost me six dollars.   We also went into a store called CREATIONS. We all liked this bison rug just inside the door.   Once we got back to Lockport, we went to JoJo's for ice cream.


Last Tuesday at LIFE GROUP, Elaine passed out  fliers announcing this event.  I signed up for it, along with several others. Pam, Vicky and I agreed to meet up at my place and then Betty picked us up to go.   There were ten of us, Pam, Vicky, Betty and I, Marcia, Jenny, Ginny, Dee, Elaine and Rachel.   I ordered two appetizers:  the blooming onion and the cheesy spinach bread.  Both were very good and I brought some of each home. Then we shopped a bit before heading back to Lockport.

EASTER SUNDAY: April 21, 2019

I did not go to church today because Carrie is home.  Also, I really needed to get things ready for Easter Dinner.  My guests were Carrie, Peg, David, Marlene, Betty and Pam.  Our menu was as follows.   ham (that Peggy and David brought)                      served with cherry sauce                 macaroni and cheese                 carrots cooked in cider                 baked sweet potatoes                 devilled eggs                 brown and serve rolls                 cowboy baked beans (that Betty made)                 pineapple upside down cake with vanilla ice cream                      and baked custard for desert Marlene brought a BUTTER LAMB.  I have always wanted one!!!! Everything was delicious and we all had a good time.  I did not take a single picture!

Good Friday: April 19, 2019

I stayed home yesterday and cleaned and did a few things to get ready for Easter dinner. This morning I went to the Y.  I walked the track and used three machines until it was time to go down to the pool.  I got in the pool about 15 minutes before A QUA STRETCH   started.  After AS, I went over to the lap pool for AQUA JOG.  I did 25 minutes of that before I quit and went into the locker room for  shower.  After that, Pam and I walked on the track for about 15 minutes. I took a nap this afternoon and then picked Betty up so we could go to HOOVER'S for a fish fry.  Hoovers was very full when we arrived at about 4:20.  They were doing "table service" instead of their usual counter order and pick up.  Our meals were very good. Then we went to the new store in the old WalMart:  RUNNINGS. It just opened up a few days ago.  I purchased a few gift items.  We enjoyed seeing the three day old baby chicks and ducks. After stopping at Rite Aid so Betty could get some

Wed. Apil 17, 2019

I went to STABILITY this morning (it is a half hour exercise class focused on balance).  Pam met me there.  Then I went to the Post Office and then returned to the YMCA for Silver Sneakers Classic.  Marlene was there, so she joined me.  I think this is my first time at SSC and I liked it even though it is pretty strenuous.  Then I went home and took a nap. I started walking over to Betty's place a little before four p.m. but she picked me up on the way and we went over to pick up Pam and then we went to the Royalton United Methodist Church for their spaghetti dinner.  The proceeds will go to Lockport Cares (the homeless shelter) It is a typical old time country church. I was surprised to see Connie (a woman I met in the pool at the Y) there.   We met up with Becky there. The spaghetti dinner was really good and we all enjoyed it. It was a nice evening and we took a drive out towards Akron.  I saw this  and asked Betty to stop so I could take a picture.  When I got ho

Tuesday April 16, 2019 (filling bags, etc.)

Peg asked me to help out putting stickers on gift bags for guests who come to church on Easter Sunday, so I went in 45 minutes early before the TUESDAY MORNING LADIES LIFE GROUP, and put sticker on about 110 (out of 300)bags.  Then I went to Life Group, which was pretty good this morning, with quite a large group of ladies.  Right near the end, Peggy came in and asked if a few of us could stay and work on filling the bag. Several of us stayed and filled bags. Then I went home and rested up.  A few minutes before four p.m., Dee arrived, and she and I went over and picked Betty up.  We went to SOLID ROCK Church in Gasport for their monthly donation spaghetti dinner.  It was very good.  Becky came, and Kim and Carl Wilson were there, also.

Monday April 15, 2019

I have been kind of busy since I arrived home from my Ohio trip this past Friday.  I am still putting stuff away! On Saturday I went to the VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON  for the Lockport Carenet Center.  It was held at the old St. Mary's School (now owned by The Chapel).  I took Betty as my guest.  The lunch was very nice and each volunteer was given a small gift. Sunday was church and then Pam had a soup lunch for several  single ladies at her house.  Every thing she served was delicious.  It was Pam, Betty, me, Jenny, Dee and Marlene. This morning I went to the Y.  I arrived early and walked the track and used a couple of machines before going to the pool.  I was there before my class SILVER SNEAKERS SPLASH started, so I exercised on my own.  Kathy was not there today.  Another younger woman led class and she did everything differently. After that, Marlene and I went to SCRIPTS for lunch. Then I went to the library and to Aldi's to pick up items for Christmas di

Last Day of Ohio Trip: Aptil 12, 2019

After breakfast at our hotel and packing up my car, Pam and I headed out, using my cars navigation system.   Our first stop was  to take pictures of a small roadside attraction near the Dover Dam.  It looks like a small temporary circus. We stopped to get gas near Magnolia.  Then we headed towards 44 to drive north.  We had a bit of trouble finding it, but a fellow in a convenience store in south Dayton gave us good directions.  Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I accidentally got off of 44 and had to come up with an alternate plan (to drive on 534 North to get to 90.  It was a very scenic route, taking us through a large Amish area in and around Mesopotamia.  There are Amish farms and shops in several villages, but we did not really have  time to check them out. As we headed north on 534 we needed a bathroom but had a hard time finding one.  At a convenience store, their restroom was out of order, and this place in Geneva did not have one. When we got to the entranc

DAY FOUR of Ohio Trip: April 11, 2019

This was our very last day of this fabulous trip.  It was supposed to be very warm, so I ditched my jeans in favor of capris for the first time in 2019.  We had breakfast in the small dining area of our motel.  Pam met an Amish couple Mabel and _____  Otto and we talked with them a bit. They used to be missionaries.  Mabel grew up in this area and they were here today for a funeral. Our first stop was at WARTHER'S MUSEUM, where we met David Warther and took a tour and learned of his amazing path to where he is today.  He learned how to carve from his grandfather, who carved trains, but he chose to carve ships.  He has carved 87 finely detailed ships, and they are on display in the museum.   This tour was so enjoyable and informative.  I purchased a few gift items in the gift shop including a birthday gift for Megan. Then we headed to HEINI'S CHEESE SHOP. We sampled many, many, many kinds of cheese, beef sticks, crackers, fudge etc.  So much that we did not need to


We slept in a bit later this morning.  We went to Walnut Creek and used our coupon for a free breakfast at Rebecca's Bistro.  I had the creamed eggs because I had never had them before.  It was bits of hard boiled eggs, bits of bacon etc. in a cheese sauce over a slice of sour dough bread. It did not look very appetizing, but it was very tasty and filling. After eating, we went into a nearby shop:  The Walnut Creek Antique Mall. It is a large Amish run shop.  I purchased a CD of the music that was playing and a couple of other items. Then we headed to THE BEHALT. We purchased tickets and then watched a short movie about it.  We were in the gift shop after the BEHALT tour and were offered the opportunity to have lunch with an Amish family.  We  joined a group of students from Cambodia who are on an exchange program at a Christian school, and two adults who were with them.  A guide led us around the circle and told the story. After that Pam and I looked around the gif