
Showing posts from November, 2019


Betty and I were planning on going to LIGHT UP LOCKPORT today when Dee called looking for something to do today.  I invited her to join us and she met up with Betty and I at my house and we headed out. Our first stop was at the PALACE to watch the first half of ELF.  Then we went to EMMANUEL METHODIST CHURCH for the nativity display and refreshments.  It is my opinion that it was not as good as it was last year because they had a table for kids to do crafts right in the middle of the room between where there used  to be couches and chairs on both sides. Then we went to the Lockport Fire Department to take a tour.  Betty had a particularly good time!  Officer Scapelleti showing us around. Then we decided to go to LaPorts for lunch.  Betty and I both had the corn beef and cabbage.  I thought it was good, but Betty did not like it.  Then we went to the Main Street Rite-Aid so Dee could take care of something We decided to take a break and return for the parade.  Betty dro

THANKSGIVING DINNER at my house 2019

Once again, I had Thanksgiving dinner at my house.  David and Peg came, along with my cousin Becky and our friend Betty and Carrie was home for a few days. I wore my distressed jeans for the first time! David brought the turkey, stuffing and gravy.  They also brought a banana cream pie.  Becky brought a pumpkin pie and Betty made the mashed potatoes. I prepared these items:   macaroni and cheese                                        pea salad                                        butternut squash casserole                                        devilled eggs                                        baked egg custard                                        home made cranberry sauce                                                     and we had brown and serve rolls and butter Everything was delicious.  We put together a meal for Becky to take home to her neighbor who lives alone and was not going anywhere for Thanksgiving dinner.  There are plenty of leftovers!

BE THANKFUL (at the Lockport Y)

This morning I made a double batch of SCALLOPED CORN using the recipe that my deceased Oneonta friend (Betty) gave me before I moved. I took it to the Y, arriving about ten minutes before noon, and set it up on the buffet table.  I ran into Elaine out in the hall and she had several fliers for various community events for me.  Louise, Betty and Bridget were already there when we went in to be seated.  Vicky and Dee joined us, as well as Glenda, and later on Pam came in.                        About 150 people were there, almost double the number who attended last year.                                  Bridget, Vicky and Dee                                          Louise and Glenda Betty The meal was very good, with a large variety of side dishes.   After it was over, Vicky and I went upstairs and walked on the track a little.

BETTY's BIRTHDAY November 23rd, 2019

Peg and I decided to take Betty out to see a movie and lunch today because it is her 66th birthday.  I picked Betty up and we met up with Peg at her house.  Peg drove my car (since her Murano is causing them problems) and we headed to THE REGAL on Transit to see HARRIET. This movie is based on Harriet Tubman (a name she chose after she escaped from Maryland and ended up in Philadelphia) and her role in the Underground Railroad.  It was excellent. After the movie, we went to OLIVE GARDEN for a late lunch.  Peg and I each gave Betty a small present.  Olive Garden was great (it always is) and altogether it was a really good day.

FRIENDSGIVING at Freedom Church: November 21, 2019

I had my hair colored and trimmed at the Sanborn Cosmetology Clinic this morning.  Then I came home and prepared the squash for FRIENDSGIVING DINNER/ I met up with Bonnie and Crystal at Freedom Church.  We sat at a table with Betty, Peggy and David.  It was a great meal There was entertainment after dinner including a skit and JEOPARDY.                                           One of the teams.                                              Johnna keeping score. It was a fun evening.   Betty brought me today's Union Sun and Journal which has a picture of our group of six at the spaghetti dinner at the Royalton Center Church last night.   I wish I had been looking at the camera! 

11/20/19 Turkey, Spaghetti and More

This morning was the last AGING MASTERY CLASS at the Dale.  The topic was money management, and it was very good.   After the class was over at 11:30 Marlene and I crossed the hall and joined the group who was already seated for the Thanksgiving Meal.    I sat next to Dottie, who turned out to be Gretchen's mother. The meal was turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots and a pumpkin  desert.  It was not very good and I did not finish mine. Then I went home and checked on the turkey I had put in the oven before leaving this morning.  When it was done, I cooled it a bit and then took it, along with the drippings, over to FREEDOM CHURCH. I had less than a hour to relax at home before Betty picked me up to go to the spaghetti supper at Royalton Center Church.   We picked Myrna up and took her.  She had just been released from being homebound in order to let her broken shoulder heal.   We met up with Dee and Louise and Becky there. A photographer from the Union Sun an Jo

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

First thing this morning I went to Rite Aid and had my second shingles shot.  Then I went to Elaine's LIFE GROUP  and it was very good.  We had a pretty good sized group.  After Life Group, I asked Betty if she wanted to go to Ale's Sandviches (former Andersons) for a $2 bbq beef sandwich that they offer on Tuesdays.  She said yes and then Pam and Marsha decided to join us.  I liked the bbq sandwich but Betty said it was too spicy for her. After a nice nap, Betty picked me up to go to SOLID ROCK for their spaghetti dinner.  We went to Middleport first and picked Liz up.  We met up with Dee and Louise there.  Later on David and Peggy joined us.  Becky was there, but she said with some friends.  Chuck Villa and Chris Prawel were there and they joined us at our table. Peggy gave us the good news that Myrna has been cleared to get back to her normal life after recuperating from her recent fall!

SENIORS SOCIAL GROUP at the Y: November 18, 2019

I was getting ready for the day when Louise called and reminded me of the meeting of the Seniors Social Club at the Y this morning.   I hopped in the shower so that I could get there at eleven a.m. When I arrived,  the three volunteers in charge:  Susan and Shirley (sisters), and Doug were there, along with Louise and Ed (one of the trainers).  It was supposed to be "game day", but instead we got to know each other.  Others started to drift in.  Glenda (youngest of 14 children raised in the Appalachian Mountains-525-3760) Brigitte (an author), a younger woman named Megan (I don't think she realized that this is a group for seniors), Darlene (I kind of met her at the Community Garden), her friend Carol (who had a western wedding last year when she got married just before she turned 70) and Kathy(known as Meemaw, and she is looking for friends to travel with). 225-5004. Elaine popped in for a minute but did not stay. Because I was writing down everyone's names, Susa

Saturday, 11/16/19

Betty and I went to the free breakfast at EMMANUEL METHODIST CHURCH, here in Lockport this morning.  It was very nice in spite of the guy at the next table who was VERY loud.  The pastor did what he called a short devotional, but it was really prayer, including the Lord's Prayer. Then we went to the THANKSGIVING MARKET at Harrison Place. Peggy joined us after a while.  I purchased a bottle of vinegar to give Peg for Christmas.  Peg introduced us to one of the owners of MAVERICK FARMS who might start a class to crochet plastic bags into mats for homeless people. Late morning and into the afternoon, I worked around the house and did laundry.  Betty came over a little before six p.m. to pick me up to go to Johnson Creek for an event involving music and a turkey dinner.  The FB page for Community Fellowship Church said this:   Coffee House and Harvest Dinner (turkey with all the fixings) on Saturday, November 16 from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at Community Fellowship Church, 3146


 When I got to FREEDOM CHURCH this morning to meet up with Peggy to take the OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD  boxes to the church in Pendleton, the church van was already loaded up with most of the boxes.  Peggy had four more that we added. We delivered 75 boxes.   We stopped at Craft Coffee House in Pendleton and Peg got a coffee and I got a hot chocolate. After we returned to FREEDOM, I located this church that Peg mentioned to me.  Her dentist goes to this Coptic church. I decided to go to the KENAN CENTER for the NIAGARA FRONTIER WATERCOLOR SOCIETY 14th INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF TRANSPARENT WATERCOLOR the watercolor.  The paintings there are very good.  This was my favorite:          BECKONING RIBBONS by Sheila Reigh.  At first I thought it was a photograph.  Then I went to the library to read the current newspapers.  Then I went to the Historical Society to see an art exhibit.      While I was out, I went to Citizens Bank to cash a check while going through the drive

Veteran's Day 2019 ADVENTURE

My plans were to go to the Y this morning for Silver Sneakers Classic but when I saw the temperature and the snow I decided to skip it.  I heard on the radio about a ceremony to honor Veterans at Outwater Park at 11:00 a.m. and I mentioned it to Betty and she wanted  to go, so we did. It was very good and there were a lot of people there.  These kids recited IN FLANDERS FIELD     Then we went to DOLLAR TREE and then had lunch at Burger King.    Betty suggested we take a walk along the canal, and I agreed.  It was pretty cold and windy but we walked for quite a while.   The weather kept getting worse, and we had a bit of trouble getting up Market Street Hill.