
Showing posts from October, 2022

Sunday October 30th, 2022 and Monday Oct. 31st and Tuesday November 1

SUNDAY: Glenda called me this morning to tell me she would not be in church this morning.  Yesterday, her sixty-year-old nephew died suddenly.  His mother (Glenda's sister) has been hospitalized for over a month with heart problems and she has not been told yet.  They will tell her later on today.  Glenda said she is too distracted with these issues and figures she could not concentrate in church.  Craig gave a great message! After church I used a SUBWAY coupon to purchase a six inch sub for my lunch.  I spent the rest of the day at home, resting and elevating my left leg (which is still swollen) and watching KIMS CONVENIENCE.   MONDAY:   I called my doctor this morning with my concerns that the swelling, heat and redness in my left lower leg has not gone away.  I was reassured that it is too soon, and it will take a few weeks.  Ugh.  The bright spot in my morning was when my cousin Becky stopped by for a bit.  She got me caught up on news about her half brother (Roger) and his son

Thursday October 27th, 2022 at Home and FRIDAY the 28th, 2022 and Saturday the 29th of October

THURSDAY:  I relaxed at home, doing minimal household chores and finding stuff on TV.  I did go outdoors for a few minutes to remove the ornaments from my flower beds and store them on the enclosed back deck.  Peggy came over and worked in the garage for a bit and we had lunch together and a nice visit. I found the 1996 movie BEFORE and AFTER on Hoopla. By <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">IMP Awards</a>, <a href="//" title="Fair use of copyrighted material in the context of Before and After (film)">Fair use</a>, <a href="">Link</a> I made a grilled cheese sandwich with GARLIC TUSCAN bread, for my supper.  I added bacon to the sandwich.  It was kind of salty, but good.  Betty called and I had to promise her that I will perso

MONDAY the 24th of October and Tuesday the 25th and Wednesday the 26th

MONDAY First thing in the morning, I called my primary doctor's office and was given an appointment for ten thirty a.m.  I arrived early and was taken in early, with Maria (PA).  I explained the injury thirteen days ago (10/11) at ASP, and how it got better every day until I was seemingly back to normal but then this past Friday, my lower left leg began to hurt, and I noticed the swelling on Saturday.  Maria sent me for a DOPPLER of my lower left leg at GREAT LAKES IMAGING.  I had this done and was told that there is a blood clot.  A nurse at GLI told me to go back to the doctors office, so I did, but when I got there, I was told going there was not necessary.  A nurse there told me that a script was being called into my pharmacy (Eliquis).  I drove to Rite Aid, and called the pharmacy from the parking lot, but they had not received the order yet.  I went to Mark's and got a slice of pizza for lunch, which I ate at home.  I had a phone call from a nurse at Dr. Danaher's off

Saturday, October 22, 2022 and Sunday the 23rd

SATURDAY: Peggy came over and she and I worked in the garage for a very little bit.  Then we had lunch together and then we went to Lewiston and had a nice visit with Carrie.  Then we went to ArtPark to a Native American Festival.    It was a very small event, and we did not stay very long.   SUNDAY:   I went to church and stopped at Arby's to get a lunch to take home.  I finished watching THE WATCHER, a very popular Netflix show.  My leg is really bothering me, so I spent most of the day on the couch.  

TUESDAY October, 18th, 2022 and Wednesday the 19th and Thursday the 20th and Friday the 21st

TUESDAY:   I went to the Ladies Life Group at Freedom this morning.  Cindi led and we finished up our study on the ARMOR OF GOD.  After the meeting was over, five of us decided to go to the FIELDSTONE for lunch.  I decided to test my stomach against the fish fry.   I went home and put together some information for Social Services that I needed to provide for my SNAP benefit and took it to the Lockport office and handed it in, and then I went to Niagara Produce to get milk and bananas.  Then I went home and rested.  I fell asleep but the phone rang and it was Peggy.  She asked me to make some phone calls.  I made them. I worked more on unpacking stuff and putting it away and did a load of laundry, mostly stuff I wore and used in ASP.   Betty brought me a spaghetti dinner from SOLID ROCK.  I was not very hungry but ate some of it. I got caught up on some of the TV shows I missed.    WEDNESDAY:   I had an appointment with Dr. Kurbs just before my appointment with Dr. Fetterman.   Both wen

Monday the 17th of October, 2022 : leaving ASP and Getting BACK HOME!!!!!

 I got up around 8:15 a.m.  Lori was stirring and she said she wished we could stay longer.  We each prepared our own breakfast and then started getting ready to check out.   Leslie and I took trash and recyclables to the spot down before Quaker Lake to deposit them.  When we returned to the cottage, packing was our primary focus. Leslie swept the floors.   We had a LOT of leftover food, which Leslie and Lori divided up. I had been concerned about the possibility of not having enough room in Lori's car for all my stuff, but it worked out OK.  We checked out about 10:45 and headed north and drove through the park to Salamanca.  We stopped to get gas and headed north on 219.  Unfortunately, we made a wrong turn and ended up east of Salamanca (we needed to go north) and ended up in the village or city of Allegany.  We quickly found our way back to the right route (with OnStar's help).   We stopped at an interesting looking farm stand in GREAT VALLEY.   I purchased several gourds a

SUNDAY October 16th in the Park

 We couldn't think of anything in the park that we wanted to do, so we decided on a driving tour of Cattaraugus County using a brochure that I had. We packed a picnic lunch of sandwiches, fruit, chips and cookies and headed out.  Lori drove and we headed north towards Arcade where the tour started.  We stopped at a CROSBY'S to use the restroom. I purchased a strawberry ice cream cone confection for a little girl, after getting her mother's permission.  I asked the cashier if there was a park with picnic tables nearby and we got directions to one.  On the way there, we passed the ticket center for the ARCADE and ATTICA railroad.  We found the park and had a nice picnic and then drove back to the A and A to see if we could take a train ride.  Unfortunately, the last train of the day had already left. We located the beginning of the driving tour but were unable to find the first point of interest, an old cemetery in Arcade.  We continued on.  The Alms House cemetery location w

Saturday October 15th in ASP

 Lori slept on one of the futons in the living room area.  She said she slept very well.  My leg was not at all painful today, I would say it is back to normal.    After breakfast, Leslie drove the three of us around the park, so we could show its features to Lori.  She had driven over most of the park yesterday when she was looking for our cottage.  First to Thunder Rocks, then we drove down France Brook Road to see the beaver pond. We went to the Red House Administration Office for a short time.  Lori and I sat outside in the Adirondack chairs for a few minutes, and we also checked out the gift shop. One of the highlights of our time in the park today was when Leslie spotted a BARD OWL.  She pulled over.  I got out of her car to take a picture, but apparently when I shut the car door, I scared it and it flew into the woods. The color at QUAKER LAKE was gorgeous.   We located the road that goes to WOLF RUN Road and drove to the end.   One of the high points of this day was when Leslie

FRIDAY the 14th of October 2022 in ALLEGANY STATE PARK

 This was Cindy and Jen's last day with me in the park since Cindy needed to be home for her FREEDOM GROUP tomorrow morning.   Jen left at noon because she had a two p.m. appointment.  Before she left, the three of us had lunch together.  She left us a lot of food and other items such as disinfectant wipes, wood and fire starters. Leslie arrived at one fifteen p.m.  She had forgotten to bring our cottage name and number.  When she stopped at the Red House Administration Bldg., they could not give her any information about how to find me.  But when she said the name of the cottage trail started with a P, she was told that was probably PARALLEL TRAIL.  She found the trail and was driving through.  Cindy was outside and saw her driving by and hollered "Leslie is here" so I went out to the porch.  Cindy and Leslie had never met, but I guess Leslie looked as if she was looking for something, which made Cindi think it was her. She pulled in and we helped her bring her stuff ins

WEDNESDAY, October 12, 2022 in ASP (Second Full Day in the Park)

  Once again, I slept really good, but Jen and Cindi stayed up most of the night talking.  They have known each other since their college days in the 1970s.  They were both at the Christian Center Church in Brockport when I was there.  Coincidentally, Jen lived with the Ferrington's in the house in Troutberg which Bob and I rented earlier from the spring of 1973 to summer of 1976.   Jen prepared bacon and eggs and we played some games.  Then we drove up to the Summit Trail.  My leg was still bothering me,but it is much better than it was yesterday, so I waited outside of the warming building (for cross country skiers) while they walked up to see the Fire Tower and then walked the Bear Paw trail, a two mile circular trail that goes to the Stone Tower.   Here are Cindi and Jen as they finished the trail. We returned to the cottage for lunch and then We went to QUAKER LAKE, and found that the road to the Quaker Bathhouse was open, so we drove down.  We went down to the fishing area/sp

THURSDAY, October 13th in Allegany

Ir rained most of the night.  I slept in and read for a while.  After breakfast, Cindi and Jen left to find a place with cell phone reception mostly so Cindi could talk to her daughter, Renee, who was having an ultrasound later on in the day.   I said I would stay at the cottage in case someone from Marino's came to look at the misfunctioning shower.   Cindi said she doubted if a repair person would come.  I decided to wash my hair at the kitchen sink, and as soon as I wet my head, I heard knocking at the door.  It was a repair man from MARINO'S.  He looked at the shower and fiddled around with it.  He said he had been able to make some adjustments but not fully repair it since it would need a complete replacement and that would have to be ordered.   When they returned, we played a few games, decided it would be a good day to go to the casino for the buffet so we drove into Salamanca.   We arrived in mid-afternoon for a late lunch/early supper.  The buffet is very good, offeri

Tuesday, October 11th, 2022: FIRST FULL DAY in Allegany State Park

I slept really good last night even though I heard Cindi and Jen talking around four a.m. Jen prepared pancakes and sausage for our breakfast in the morning.   In the morning, Cindi and I did the lesson that our Life Group is doing back in Lockport today.  Jen did not want to join us.  Then we  decided to go to THUNDER ROCKS since Jen had never been there, even though she has been to ASP several times, with her friend Lori. Cindi and Jen decided to collect some wood for camp fires!  They got a lot! Unfortunately, I forgot to take my hiking stick, although I was wearing my hiking boots.  We had only walked in a short distance when I almost tripped with my right food, so I caught myself by putting my left foot down hard and landed hard.  It felt like a severe cramp in my lower leg, so I found a place to sit down and wait until the cramp went away.  However, it did NOT go away, and I limped my way back to the car, using a walking stick (branch) that Cindi found.  My lower leg hurt for th

Monday, October 10th, 2022 TO ALLEGANY!!!!!!

 Cindi was a bit late picking me up because she forgot to grab a pair of gloves before she went back home to get some.  She arrived about 10:20 a.m. and we headed south to ALLEGANY STATE PARK.   We met up with Jen at the Burger King in Salamanca where we had lunch before heading to the park. Cindi and I got in free with our reservation number, but Jen had to pay SEVEN DOLLARS.  Darn.  Our first stop was at the Red House Administration Building, mostly to use the ladies room.  While there we spent some time in the gift shop and Jen purchased a lightweight hoodie in pastel blues and pink and white for me.   In August of 2021 when Cindi and I did a day trip to ASP to check out the location of our cabin for October 2021, we had lunch at the restaurant upstairs in the Red House Administration Building.  We met a very nice, friendly server named Jessica and Cindi witnessed to her about Jesus, while I prayed that Cindi would say exactly what Jessica needed.  Jessica was very happy