It is the last day of 2020. What a year. It started out with our President on trial IMPEACHMENT. But he was not convicted of any crimes. The liberals jello did not stick to the wall!!! Thank God...........DJT was given more time to strategically improve the world with peace deals, etc. I am just now remembering how the press talked about him when he said he was trying to get a vaccine before the end of the year. They were brutal in making fun of him. HOWEVER, HE DID IT!!!! People are now being vaccinated against COVID 19. What a miracle!!!! Anyways, the first thing I did today was make a batch of chocolate chip cookies. I followed a few tips that I got on the Facebook page for old fashioned recipes...............chilling the dough, using non stick cookie sheets and using Crisco in place of part of the butter. STILL, they did not turn out as good as I was hoping for. I need to get Vicky's recipe sin...