
Showing posts from December, 2020


 It is the last day of 2020.  What a year.  It started out with our President on trial IMPEACHMENT.  But he was not convicted of any crimes.  The liberals jello did not stick to the wall!!!  Thank God...........DJT was given more time to strategically improve the world with peace deals, etc.  I am just now remembering how the press talked about him when he said he was trying to get a vaccine before the end of the year.  They were brutal in making fun of him.  HOWEVER, HE DID IT!!!!  People are now being vaccinated against COVID 19.  What a miracle!!!! Anyways,  the first thing I did today was make a batch of chocolate chip cookies.  I followed a few tips that I got on the Facebook page for old fashioned recipes...............chilling the dough, using non stick cookie sheets and using Crisco in place of part of the butter.  STILL, they did not turn out as good as I was hoping for.  I need to get Vicky's recipe since her chocolate cookies are absolutely perfect!   I talked to Marlene

Wednesday, December 30th FESTIVAL of LIGHTS at at the Erie County Fairgrounds

 I put all the ingredients for CABBAGE ROLL SOUP in the crockpot before heading out.  I went to TOPS and purchased a ticket for the Festival of Lights.  All tickets have to be pre-purchased with NO sales at the entrance. at the fairgrounds in Hamburg.   I also picked up a few other items.  Also I went to the DOLLAR TREE and purchased some food items and some other things like dishwashing liquid and trash bags, etc.   I stopped at   Molinaro's  and bought a half dozen Italian Wedding Cake cookies since I had been craving them.   I had a bowl of the soup for lunch and it was DELICIOUS!!!!!   The cookies were a bit of a disappointment, though.  I think Entenmanns are better, but I could not find any Entenmanns products at TOPS.  I will take four of the cookies to Peg and David's house tomorrow night.   After a nap, I put the ingredients for the chocolate chip cookie dough together, and set the dough on the front porch where it is cool.  After supper I met up with Peg and David at

Tuesday, December 29th, 2020

 I went out to run some errands this morning.  First to the library to pick up a DVD (the one about Togo), then to Niagara Produce to get some bananas, and then I dropped some items off at the lawyers office.  Then to Rite Aid to pick up my new eye drops. Then I went thru the BK drive thru and got a two for five dollar whopper and one fish sandwich.  I was disappointed when the girl handed me the bag, since it did not feel at all hot, not even warm.  When I arrived home, the phone was ringing and it was Kevin Kopek from Northwest Bank and we set a time to meet next week.  Then Marlene called and we agreed to go for a walk on New Years Eve Day and possibly a hike on New Years Day, if the weather is OK.   After a nap and before getting ready to go to FREEDOM, I started chopping vegetables for CABBAGE ROLL SOUP, which I plan to put in the crockpot tomorrow morning.  I arrived at FREEDOM CHURCH a little early to help Peggy with the funeral meal, so I went into the sa

MONDAY, December 28th NO ADVENTURE TODAY !!!!! Cabbage Roll Soup

 I spent a couple of hours in the morning sorting through, organizing and uploading pictures to flickr.  I talked to Gail and we were able to figure out what year the pictures of Christa, Andrew and Marty were taken. Chick posted this recipe on FB and it sounds good and I think I have all the ingredients. CABBAGE ROLL SOUP 4 cups beef broth 8-ounce can tomato sauce (original recipe called for 3 cans, but I only used one can 1/2 cup uncooked long-grain rice 1 bay leaf 3 tsp brown sugar 2 tsp parsley 2 small spoon olive oil A pinch of salt & pepper 1 pound ground beef 1 onion diced 2 tsp small garlic 4 cups chopped green cabbage 2 carrots sliced In a large pot, heat the olive oil and add the ground beef, and season with pepper and salt. Cooked, divided the meat with a spatula until beef is browned, about 6 min. Add the garlic and onion cook about 4 min Add in the pot the carrots/cabbage/beef broth/rice/tomato sauce/bay leaf /and sugar, and add salt/pepper. Bring and cook about 26 min

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27th Recipe for Crispy Potato Patties

 I had pretty much decided to stay away from public events until after the end of 2020 because of the pandemic, and the rising number of cases and deaths in Western, New York BUT last evening, I decided that I really wanted to go to church today, for the second Sunday of LET'S GO TO THE MOVIES.  We usually have that in July, but church was closed then, or maybe it was outdoors at that time, so Craig decided to do it in December.  But then we had to close again temporarily, so we have only done two episodes by the end of December, since this is the last Sunday of the month. I was happy that todays movie was ELF, which is my favorite Christmas movie.  Also, Peg, David and I watched it together two days ago on Christmas Day.  Pastor Craig did a great job choosing clips from the movie and weaving them into his theme of KINDNESS. On the way home from church I stopped at SUBWAY and purchased a six inch sub for my lunch.  After lunch, I worked more on sorting through old photographs.  I m

December 26, 2020 The Day After Christmas

 I slept in a little longer today and then prepared ham and eggs for my breakfast.  I decided to work on getting some of of my photographs in order.  This involved getting out albums and checking to see if the album pictures have been uploaded to my flickr account.  And if pictures have not been uploaded, then I upload them to flickr and label them and make sure they are in "sets" or "albums" in my flickr account. And then I have to do something with the pictures that are in flickr since I do not need to keep them.  So, i started piles for Peg, Carol Kraft, Megan, Gail, Christa etc.  This process is taking a lot longer than I thought it would, but I will keep plugging away at it.  When I can get rid of these old albums, I will have more places to put things I plan to keep.   Peg called.  She and David were on their way to WalMart to check out the post Christmas sales.  I asked her to get me chocolate chips and eggs.  I will provide a batch of chocolate chip cookies


 I made the raisin sauce for the ham in the morning, and got the macaroni and cheese ready to put into the oven.  I talked with Chris, Megan, Cassy and Tyler on the phone.  They are having a nice Christmas day and later on will go over to Quinn's family home for Christmas dinner.  Quinn is Cassandra's fiance.  I guess the two families have come to accept and support their engagement. I tried to reach Connie, but she did not answer.  She cannot seem to hear her phone, I think it is in one of the bedrooms.   I headed over to Peg and David's house at two thirty, taking mac and cheese, banana bread, raisin sauce for the ham and elderberry pie .I saw their new piece of artwork.   We had a delicious dinner.  We exchanged gifts.  They gave me a Vera Bradley bag which I like a lot.  They like the book about Glenwood Cemetery that I gave them. After dinner, Peggy asked if anyone wanted to watch a HALLMARK movie and I said NO emphatically.  I suggested we watch ELF, which I had taken

Christmas Eve 2020 New Banana Bread Recipe/Chocolate Milk Pie

 I have to use up some bananas that are too ripe. I decided to NOT use a Bisquick recipe, and the Betty Crocker Cook Book, which I have been looking through lately, does not have a recipe for banana bread.  I found this online and got the ingredients ready before going over to Halls to pick up my pie: Ingredients 1   Stick (1/2 Cup)   Butter 3   Large   Ripe Bananas 2   Large   Eggs 1   teaspoon   Vanilla Extract 2   Cups   All Purpose Flour 1   Cup   Granulated Sugar 1   teaspoon   Baking Soda 1/2   teaspoon   salt 1/2   teaspoon   cinnamon Instructions Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a loaf pan with non-stick cooking spray or grease with butter and set aside. Add the stick of butter to a large bowl and microwave for 1 minute, or until melted. Add the bananas to the same bowl and mash with a fork. Add the vanilla extract and egg to the bowl and use the same fork to mash and stir until no yellow streaks of egg remain. In a second large bowl whisk together the flour, sugar, baking so

Wednesday, December 23, 2020 The Day Before the Day Before Christmas

 I was doing laundry and changing sheets when Connie called.  We talked for about an hour.  Then Sue called and wanted addresses and birthday information that I had, so we talked for close to a half hour..  I tried to reach my sister Gail, so I can arrange to get her Christmas gift to her.  I wanted to pick up my new eye drops at Rite Aid but apparently Dr. Legeratta and Univera are still working on getting it pre-approved. I decided to go to the library to pick up a couple of calendars as well as to Prudden and Kandt, who also gives away nice calendars. I got two at the library and one at Gould's Flower Shop.   Prudden and Kandt was closed.  I drove around and saw some of the houses decorated for Christmas.   I decided to try making Yorkshire Puddings again, this time using the recipe found in the old Betty Crocker cookbook.  I think this is the recipe I used a long time ago when I was first married, to make cream puffs.  And then again, a few years ago, since I moved here, I made

Tuesday: December 22, 2020

 I had an eye appointment at ten a.m.  On my way there, I stopped at the HISTORY CENTER and purchased three copies of  this book. Mike and Jen co-authored this book!  I got one copy for myself, one for Peg and David for Christmas and one for Gail.       I arrived a bit early for my appointment and was taken right in.  I saw the elderly Dr. Legaretta, the doctor I saw regularly in the beginning up until the time of my cataract surgery.  He checked my retinas because I reported occasional light flashes in the left corner of my left eye.  He said everything looks fine.  I had my pressures checked and they were fine, and I had my eyes dilated.  Dr. Legaretta prescribed new eye drops(something that starts with X)  to replace the old ones (Restasis), and suggested I purchase OASIS eye drops from his office.  I also purchased a new BRUDER MASK, since the one I have is getting pretty worn out.  I will start using the new one January first, and try to remember to purchase  new one every year. I


 I puttered around and vacuumed, etc. this morning.  Dale Acker, my health insurance agent was late for his noon appointment here at my house.  He finally arrived and I signed the papers in less than ten minutes.  I dropped my 2020 plan and chose a different one for 2021. As soon as Dale left, I headed out to run various errands.   I took Betty's clean laundry to her and then dropped a book off at the library, and then met up with Peg at FREEDOM CHURCH.  I gave her a bag of dairy products and the rest of her fruitcake and the five dollars I owe her, and picked up a couple of items she purchased for me this morning at TOPS.  Then I dropped off a bag of clothing that I am donating, and then went to JoJo's and picked up a five pack of ice cream sandwiches and then went to Elaine's house to drop off some newspapers.  She gave me some pizelles that she and her sister made. APPLE AND CHEDDAR YORKSHIRE PUDDING Recipe.  This is how they are supposed to look. I started watching the

SUNDAY, December 20th, 2020

 I slept in a little bit this morning.  Before online church started I prepared meatloaf for my Sunday dinner.  While I was watching church online, I peeled potatoes for mashed potatoes.  I will also cook the acorn squash that I got yesterday at Refuge Temple.   When I went out to the car to look for my camera I found that an EDIBLE gift had been delivered from Heritage Christian Services.   A large plate of chocolate stuff, mostly cookies and a few chocolate dipped strawberries.  I have not decided whether I should keep it or give it to someone else.   Online church was good, even though (for copyright reasons) the clips from the movie TO could not be shown.   My meatloaf and mashed potatoes turned out good and I also had a couple of treats from my EDIBLES gift.   After my nap, I read Cassandra/s "Thesis" paper for her English class.  She is in her second year of college at the community college.  Her paper is about fish, and how lack of regulations for catching, killing and