
Showing posts from October, 2020

HALLOWEEN 2020 Adventure

 Peg picked me up a little after two p.m. so that we could go to Taylor and Reynolds Funeral Home for the "viewing" of our friend Geneva Johnson's brother, who passed away earlier this week.   We talked to Geneva for a few minutes and signed the guest book.   Then we headed to Pendleton to look for a couple of geocaches.  We also attempted to see the Pendleton Castles, which we thought might be easier to see with most of the trees being bare, but we were not successful.  The first geocache we found was at a pet rescue place on Campbell Boulevard.  We went in and walked around and saw the cats before we looked for the geocache which was a pretty easy find.  We tried to find a cemetery which has a geocache hidden in it but I must have programmed the coordinates in wrong, since we could not find it.  We looked at one at the huge Key Bank on the transit, but did not find it.  We were successful in finding the one hidden in the parking lot at the New York Beer Project.   We  d

Friday, 10/30/2020

 I walked over to Beauman's to get my car.  I think it was about a mile and a quarter walk, maybe more.  It took me 25 minutes.  It was a bit chilly, but I was dressed warmly.    I dropped some bills and refund checks off at the lawyers office, went to the library to read todays paper, and dropped the last of Mary Anne's coins and bills off to David so he could look at them.  A little after one p.m.  I  did the "drive thru even" at the Dale Association.  There were Halloween decorations and a few people (including  Gretchen who taught the Aging Mastery Classes that I took last year) were dressed up.   I was given a small bag of Halloween candy. but most of it was stuff I do not care for.   I went to Mary Anne's house to check on both the house and the apartment.   David called me later on in the day and offered me $150.00 for the remainder of the coins and bills.  I accepted.  I probably could get more, but I am tired of dealing with them.   Betty dropped off thre

Thursday, October 29th, 2020 Endoscopy

 I dropped my car off at Beauman's Garage this morning and met Peg there and she took me to the Ambulatory Center for my endoscopy.  The procedure went well and she picked me up when I was done.  When we got back to my house, I fixed us a light lunch:  meatloaf sandwiches, pickled cabbage and potato chips and craisin cookies. After she left, I settled down on the couch with a DVD that Peg left me:  OPERATION FINALE.   I had watched a little bit of it when Leslie called, so I paused it and she and I talked for quite a while, probably 45 minutes or so.   Beauman's called to tell me that my car is ready and that it passed inspection and I will pick it up tomorrow morning.   Betty called to say that she got a box of free food for me at the Cooperative Extension.  She brought it over and refused to let me split it with her.  There was cooked chicken cubes and cooked salisbury steak, apples, potatoes, milk, liquid eggs, mozzarella cheese and butter.  I gave her back the milk since i

Wednesday, October 28th Car Problems and Early Voting

 I went over to Beauman's Garage this morning at ten a.m. in order to have a new tire put on and get a NYS Inspection done   Unfortunately, the inspection was not done because the mechanic found necessary work that needed to be done.  I thought it might be covered by my Subaru warranty, so I called Northtown Subaru from Beauman's to find.  Apparently, my warranty expired in 2019, so I will have to pay out of pocket.   The time frame will work out fine, though.  I can drop the car off tomorrow morning before going in for my endoscopy.  Peg agreed to meet me there in the morning. I dropped some items off at the lawyers office and then I went to Cooperative Extension for EARLY VOTING.   I only waited a couple of minutes to get in my first line, which was where I waited in order to show my identification before being directed to a booth where I filled in the dots and then to a place where I deposited my ballot. There was a three way phone consultation planned for today at three p.m

Tuesday, October 27th, 2020 At Home

 I did not go to LIFE GROUP this morning due to the fact that I am supposed to be self-quarantining until after my endoscopy on Thursday.  I was on FB this morning and found the info about the church in Gasport offering a drive through take out donation turkey dinner on the first Saturday of November.  I thought Elaine would want to know about it, so I called her, but she already knew.  I also told her about the art exhibit at the History Center until November 14th.  I suggested that she and I might go together but she did not show any enthusiasm for that event.  She asked if I knew if the Cambria Congregational Church is doing any drive through dinners.  I told her I would message her cousin Lori on FB and ask.  I did that and Lori informed that she does not go to that church anymore, and that she would give Elaine a call. The guys who mow my lawn came and asked me if I wanted them to mow, since the grass is still short.  First I said no, but then I suggested that maybe mowing and mul

Monday, October 26, 2020

 Still self quarantining after the Covid test, and still waiting to get a call from Beaumans regarding if they have a new tire for me.  I talked to both Betty and Peggy on the phone this morning.  Peggy asked me to make a few phone calls to ladies in her Life Group, regarding the praying and fasting that we are doing on behalf of Diane F. who will be having surgery this coming Thursday.  I called Dee about today being her day to pray and fast,  and we talked for a bit.   I told her I will not be at the Tuesday morning Life Group tomorrow because of self quarantining.   I decided to clean my bathroom, including mopping the floor.  While I was mopping, I took a phone call, from someone who greeted me with HI GRAMMA.  It did not sound like Tyler so I thought that I needed to verify that it was really him.  I asked him what he had been doing this morning and the fake grandson hung up.  I knew that Tyler had been in his bedroom doing AP Physics (that is a scary thought).    Obviously, the f

Sunday, October 25, 2020

 I stayed home from church today mostly because  I am supposed to self-quarantine until after my endoscopy this coming Thursday and also because my car has a "donut" on because of the tire with the nail in it.  I have to decide what to do about that tomorrow.  I could not get a straight answer from Northtown Subaru about whether or not this is covered under my warranty.     I watched FREEDOM SOUTH morning service online and it was very good.  I did a few things around the house, and took care of getting the trash and collectibles out. I messaged Mary on FB and asked if she might want to join me at the cabin I have reserved in Allegany State Park next October and she said YES, and she seems pretty excited about this.  So am I!!!!!   I have not stayed in the park since 1996 although I have been there several times in the past six years for day trips.    I prepared a baked sweet potato, and summer squash for my late lunch along with a slice of meatloaf that I had previously froz

Saturday, October 24th, 2020 I Reserved a Great Cottage at ASP !!!!!

  Yesterday, I asked Betty if she might help me out by taking Mary Anne's foreign money to the money exchange office in the Galleria Mall.  She agreed and picked up the bills before I went to have my COVID test.  On the way over to the branch of Eastern Niagara Hospital referred to as The Ambulatory Center (among other names)  my tire air pressure warning light came on.  UGH.  After I had my COVID test, I stopped at Pepboys and had them look at my tires.  The technician found a nail in the front passenger side tire, which he said cannot be repaired since it is too close to the edge.  When I got home, I called Northtown Subaru and asked if this is covered by a warranty (they don't know) and made an appointment for next Friday to bring the car in for that issue and an oil change.  The girl suggested that I call AAA and have them put the "donut" on.  So, I did that.  The guy from Beaumann's offered to get a price on a new tire and call me back Monday.   I did some cl

Friday, October 23rd, 2020 HIKING the SALT SPRING TRAIL near Barker, NY

 Because the weather forecasted for today was that it would be warm and sunny, Betty and I planned to do something outdoors.  She had to get the oil changed on her car and I had a stomach upset, so we got a bit of a late start, about 11:15.  We decided to meet at MILLERS and get sandwiches to take out for our lunch and then backtrack to Quaker Road and drive north to the area of the SALT SPRING.   I had found this hike several years ago when Chickie and I were out geocaching. At Millers I bought a sandwich, a drink, chips, a small pie and some tapioca pudding.   Then Betty followed me to the trail.  We tailgated in the parking area. (well kind of, there was no beer and no grilling) before setting out.   It wasn't long before we got to the site of the geocache.  We wasted some time looking in the wrong area before finding the right spot.   Betty was surprised at how large this one was. We continued on the trail.  When we got to the bridge that crosses the creek to the SALT SPRING,

10/22/2020 Life Group and more

I got a call this morning from my primary doctors office, to tell me that the results of my bloodwork are in and it shows that my "bad cholesterol" is a little high.  More exercise and avoiding certain foods are recommended.    This morning was Peg's LIFE GROUP.   I had kind of planned to be involved in it remotely but at the last minute I decided to quickly take a shower and get over to Freedom Church in time for it.  I pulled in just as Peggy was getting out of her car and Betty was arriving.  We met in one of the upstairs rooms.  Bobbie, who lives in Wilson, joined us remotely and Dee was a little bit late (but not as late as she has been known to be). It was a great meeting.  I had an opportunity to share how the FREEDOM CONFERENCE last weekend impacted me.   We had a few laughs, mostly about Peggy's stories about keeping and then getting rid of stuff.   When we finished up, Dee and Betty were planning on going to Burger King for the "three for three" de

October 21, 2020 Shopping!!!!

 I was hoping today would be a nice day so that I could do some hiking, but it turned out that it was damp and wet out.  I moved very slow this morning, and did a couple of things around the house.  I decided it was a good day to do some shopping.   I have needed a new plastic mat to set inside my front door for a couple of years.  The old one had several cracks in it.  I tried to order one by phone from our local OFFICE MAX, but I was told that it has to be ordered online.  I try to avoid using my credit card on the internet.     So I decided to go to OFFICE MAX and see what they might have.   They did have a few and I chose one.  It isn't as large as the old one, but it will do.  I purchased it.  Then I went to WalMart and stocked up on toilet paper, paper towels and disinfectant wipes.   I decided to drive out further on the transit and go to Home Goods.  I was hoping to find an oval tablecloth to fit my kitchen/dining room table.  No luck there, so I went to Target, and still n

October 20,2020

 I slept pretty good last night.  I don't remember getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom!  For sure I did not get more than five or six hours, but at least I got that much.  I finished up putting together my Christmas box in order to take it to Freedom Church this morning.   I went to the Ladies Life Group.  I think there were nine or ten of us there this morning and it was a very good meeting.  At the end, several of the group decided to go to Wendy's for lunch but I decided not to go.  I went to WalMart and picked up a few items and had lunch at home. I talked to Connie on the phone for a while regarding her appointing me as her agent (Health Care Proxy, Power of Attorney and Executrix of her Estate).  She has all of this set up with someone else, but she changed her mind about that person.    After my nap I went to SOLID ROCK to pick up a spaghetti dinner.  After I ate, I went out for a walk and also raked up one bag of leaves and put some pieces of wood

October 19th, 2020

 I went over to Mary Anne's house to check and see if the furnace is running.  I turned the thermostat up and indeed!  heat came through the registers.  I also went up into the apartment over the garage for the same purpose, and the heat is working fine up there, too.  That is a relief! I drove out to Schwab's Farm Market and spent sixteen dollars of the twenty dollars in produce coupons that I got from the Office for the Aging a couple of months ago.  I got cabbage, three butternut squash and two pumpkins.  I also got a gallon of cider. I decided to stop at TOPS on Rochester Road on the way back to get a few items.  When I got home, I heard about the shooting at Walnut and Erie Streets this morning.  Betty called me to ask if I had heard about it.  

Oct. 18 BONFIRE at Freedom North

In the morning, I called Elaine and invited her to the BONFIRE at Freedom North this evening.  She said she appreciated the invitation but that she needed to work on her yard and gardens today. I got to church early and was able to save Myrna her favorite seat in the back corner.  The sermon this morning was excellent.   I had decided to put together a CHRISTMAS SHOEBOX this year, so I picked up an instruction sheet and went to DOLLAR TREE after church and purchased many items to put in it. After my lunch at home, I packed the box.  I think I can fit a few more items in it. I called Lydia, who broke her ankle a couple of weeks ago, and we talked for a while. Her son is still staying with her and he is helping her. After my nap, I called Betty to see if she was planning on going to the BONFIRE at Freedom North.  I woke her up from a nap but she said she was going to get something to eat and then meet me there.  I think there were about twenty people there.  Pastor Ben led the get togeth


 Light snacks turned out to be fruit.  I was disappointed because I figured there would be donuts or bagels or something with substance.  I had pretty much skipped breakfast, so I was a bit hungry until lunch time.  The morning sessions were very good and time seemed to fly by and all of a sudden it was lunch time, but we had to wait a a bit since the food had not been delivered yet.  I  think we lost a few people between last night and this morning.                                     I don't know who this guy is, maybe someone from the Church of the Highlands Lunch was small sandwiches and/or pizza and chips with brownies or cupcakes for lunch.  The afternoon sessions were good and we finished up around 3:45 p.m.   Everyone was given a long sleeved  FREEDOM T-shirt.