
Showing posts from December, 2018


I slept until ten a.m. this morning, I really shocked myself!   I spent much of the day going through my California trip pictures.  MaryAnne's camera gave out early on in our trip, and I told her I would get copies of my pictures for her.  However,  there is no way she would want to pay for ALL those copies.  So, I deleted those that I thought she would not really want.  I went to WalGreens site and thought I had ordered them. I decided to go to the Y to work out and walk the track for a while before the pictures would be ready.  I ran into Mike there and we visited for a while.  He showed me new pictures of his grandkids, and talked about his new (retirement) job at Glenwood Cemetery.  I asked him about what Christa told me the other day about how her genetic test showed that she is of Eastern European descent (Ashkeni Jewish)………...and he said he thinks that must be on her fathers side. When I went to WalGreens, they had NO record of my ...

Y, Steak Stone and Sushi and Beads

Yesterday I got back into the swing of things at the Y.  I went early and used my four favorite machines and then walked the track a bit until Pam arrived.  We walked the track for about 45 minutes!  While I was using the Sci-Fit, Kathy walked by and I got her attention and confirmed that she will be doing AQUA STRETCH tomorrow at 9:45 a.m.  She also told me that she will be doing DEEP END WORKOUT immediately after Aqua Stretch.   Today I went first to AQUA STRETCH and then did the DEEP END WORKOUT (I was supposed to meet Pam there, but she did not show up) and then I showered  and then went upstairs and used the SCI-FIT and the Fat Belly and Fat Thighs machines for a few minutes.    Then I met up with Gail and Peggy at STEAK, STONE AND SUSHI for lunch.  We all had the Bento Boxes...…………….the shrimp box was really good! I went home and took a nap and then headed over to church.   I stopped on the way and picked up a salad at Wendy's ...


Carrie arrived home yesterday afternoon.  I prepared meatloaf and mashed potatoes for supper on Christmas Eve. Here is a view of part of my Christmas Day table, waiting for guests. Our guests were Peggy, David and Becky.  David and Peggy brought  the ham and rolls.  The rest of the menu was  macaroni and cheese, butternut squash casserole, devilled eggs, pickled beets, pickles, raisin sauce for the ham.  Deserts will be ice cream sandwiches from JoJo's, key lime pie, and a variety of candies that I made mostly raisin clusters.   I took this picture of one of my Christmas decorations.   It was a good day.  Our meal was delicious.  I was exhausted at the end of the day but did manage to stay awake for the CALL THE MIDWIFE Christmas special on PBS. (I confess that I did doze off once)

Sunday December 23, 2018

Church this morning was great.  NEXUS  did a really neat dance presentation. I finished up my Christmas dinner grocery shopping at NIAGARA PRODUCE, which was crowded and busy.    In the evening, I met up with Sarah Benedetti at Calvary Baptist Church for this event: It was performed by the Brooks Family and was very good.  We stayed for refreshments and were able to talk with Shawna Brooks, Pastor Moises Zumaeta  and an interesting man named Bob Bil, who has been to Israel twice and talked about Jesus return and the "Temple Commission"

GREEN BOOK and MORE: December 22, 2018

Marlene picked me up and we went to Eastern Hills Mall to see GREEN BOOK.    Marlene bought a HUGE bin of popcorn (I took my own snacks and drink). After that Marlene needed to do some Christmas shopping so we went to Kohls, Macy's and that huge book store.  I found birthday gifts for Cassy and Tyler.    We had supper at CHEEBURGER CHEEBURGER.  I was impressed with the great burger, but it is kind of expensive.  You get to choose as many toppings for your burger as you want.    You can order a combo of fries and onion rings!  It is a pretty good size. It was a good day.

Beginning and Ending at the Y: 12/19/18

I arrived at the Y a bit early for SILVER SNEAKERS SPLASH, so I went upstairs and used the FAT THIGHS machine a bit, and would have used the FAT BELLY machine a bit but someone else was using it.  I walked the track a couple of times and then went down to the locker room, and then out to the pool.  I was early so I exercised in the lap pool by myself for a bit and then moved over to the other pool and continued exercising on my own until Kathy started giving out directions,  Elaine, Pam and Betty arrived (in that order).    Elaine and I talked with Sarah (who plays Scrabble with Marlene) and we may get together to play cards or dominos.  I need to get Sarah's phone number. After SPLASH, Betty and I went SHOPPING.   She needed to purchase gift cards for presents for her daughter, son in law, and granddaughter, who are coming to New York from Florida for Christmas.   Our first stop was at DAVE'S CHRISTMAS WONDERLAND. which is right in t...


I almost did not go to  Life Group this morning.  Betty decided to go to Buffalo General Hospital to see Frank M. who was sent there from Roswell last evening.  I offered to  go with her, but she said no, since she knew I had Life Group this morning.  Then I suggested we go this afternoon after Life Group and she said she wanted to go this morning. Life Group was great!  We all shared some of our favorite Bible verses.  Many of us passed around Christmas cards.  The cards I passed out each had a copy of ANYWAYS.  I read it last year at this particular gathering and many asked for a copy, but I kept putting it off. After group was over we had a nice meal, each participant brought something.  Once again, I prepared RYE BREAD BOWL with dill/spinach dip.  Robyn's meatballs were great.  Karen's taco dip was excellent.  Cyndi brought a huge monkey bread.  After that, we sang some Christmas carols. I took Becky's birth...

12/17/18 Y and More

First thing I did today was take over a meal for Frank and Louise.  I gave them a large container of COWBOY BEAN SOUP, some blueberry muffins and a few Christmas cookies.  Louise asked me if I could pick up some GATORADE, which she is supposed to drink tomorrow in order to prepare for her colonoscopy.  I agreed to do that. I went to the Y for SILVER SNEAKERS SPLASH. I arrived a few minutes early and exercised in the water before the class started.  Betty arrived and joined me.  After the class, we went upstairs and rested a few minutes.  I used my two favorite resistance machines and also my two favorite cardio machines for a few minutes and walked the track a couple of times.  Betty said she was craving a good salad and we discussed possible places to go to get one.  She suggested going to TOPS for their salad bar might be our best bet.. I mailed cards to Megan, Christa and my grandkids at TOPS and met Betty there.  TOPS does indeed h...

Cowboy Bean Soup from the OLDE FASHIONED CHRISTMAS

This soup was served at the OLDE FASHIONED CHRISTMAS at the East Shelby Community Bible Church.  The woman who made was serving it, and she said she turned the COWBOY BEANS recipe into soup by adding broth.  It was so delicious that I took a picture of the recipe and purchased the ingredients. and here is the rest of it. Peggy called today and requested that I prepare a meal for the Meisenbergs who are going through a rough time with Frank's health and I agreed.  This should make such a huge batch that I will have plenty for myself and enough for them to have a generous portion.

CHRISTMAS MARKET at Harrison Place 12/15/18

Betty called last night and asked me if I wanted to go to the grand opening/ ribbon cutting ceremony at the indoor winter market in the old Harrisons.  The huge room has recently been renovated.  I agreed. We arrived a few minutes before ten a.m. and walked around.  I was filmed "LIVE FOR FACEBOOK"...…..but so far I have not found it on FB.  I purchased a small cabbage.  We had a few samples of various items.  And we watched the ribbon cutting ceremony. Betty had an appointment to meet with her trainer at the Y at eleven a.m. so we left the market to go to the Y.   While she was doing that I worked out on three cardio machines.  The recumbent bike was hurting my knees but the imprecor and the sci-fit were fine and I met a goal that I must have set a few weeks ago (five minutes) We returned to the market and had pulled pork sandwiches from PARKER'S PIT.  Then we went to JoJo's for ice cream...……… was half price day!!!

Y MORNING and more

I got to the Y early and used the fat thigh machine and walked the track a couple of times and then went down and got ready for the pool.  I was fifteen minutes early for AQUA STRETCH so I went in the walking lanes of the other pool and exercised myself.  Just before AQUA STRETCH started, I switched pools.  Betty arrived late, and Pam did not come. After AS, Kathy said she was moving to the lap pool for HIGH INTENSITY DEEP END WORKOUT.  Most everyone left, but I decided to try it along with a few other people.  It was pretty intense!!!   After that, I showered and washed my hair and packed up my stuff.  I found a spot to rest a bit, saw Pam in the gym doing yoga, and got up and did a few things including the fat belly machine and walking the track. I started my noon meeting with Ed a few minutes late.  We went over some of the past stuff he has taught me.  We were interrupted a couple of times so he decided to NOT count todays session ...

12/13/18 Three Christmas Celebrations

What a day!!!!!   Carrie's Day Hab  had a Christmas party for participants, staff and family members.  I made a dill/spinach dip with pumpernickel bread.  They had a huge spread of food including ham, mac and cheese, small subs and wraps and more, and lots of homemade cookies.  I was there from a few minutes after eleven  until after one p.m.  On the way over, I stopped at Hoovers and bought two quarts of eggnog and one of chocolate milk.   I had a brief time at home to rest up before going to Peggy's LIFE GROUP, where we had a small Christmas celebration with snacks.  I took both quarts of eggnog, but nobody seemed interested, so I left one for David and took one home. Betty and I met up with Becky at the hospital for the Christmas meal that they serve to employees every year.  The public is invited and can get the same meal for ten dollars.  As usual, it was magnificent!!!!!!   I brought one my desert, my salad and some...

Overdoing it at the Y: 12/12/18

Before going to the Y, I went to the Salvation Army, Aldi's and The Dollar Tree.   I arrived at the Y a little bit before time for ZUMBA GOLD to start so I used the FAT GUT machine a bit and I walked around the track three times. I ran into Betty and we went to the ZUMBA GOLD class together.  We managed to stick with it for the full 45 minutes, but most of the time I was out of step or doing it wrong.  It was fun anyways.  Then I went to SILVER SNEAKERS CIRCUIT for a 45 minute class, and then met up with Betty for a bit, before we both decided to go to SILVER SNEAKERS STABILITY together.  This is a half hour class designed to help with balance. Then we went to Mark's for a slice of pizza.   Once home, I did a few things, including starting a load of laundry and then I took a nap.   Later on, I made up dill/spinach dip and cut up a loaf of pumpernickel bread to take to Cayuga Day Hab tomorrow.   I momentarily thought about going back to the Y f...

Y Morning with Pam and Betty

Pam, Betty and I met up at the Y  (actually we met up in the pool)………….I had gotten in the pool  bit early in order to exercise a bit before SILVER SNEAKERS SPLASH started.  The class went well, as usual I left 5-7 minutes before the end of it because I needed to use the bathroom and I wanted to get into one of the showers before they were all taken. After that, the three of us had refreshments in the lobby...………..they offered coffee, tea, cookies, and fruit.  Then we went upstairs.  We walked a bit.  Also,  I used my two favorite machines which I call the BELLY FAT machine and the FAT THIGH machine.  I showed Betty and Pam how to use them.  I also took them into the small gym and showed them a few things my trainer showed me. We went to WENDY'S  for a baked potato.  (I am getting a bit tired of these baked potatoes).  I went to Aldi's and purchased items for the Cowboy Bean Soup I tried yesterday at the event, and to make ...


During the "break" at church (when we go around and greet others), Betty asked me if we were going to Sanborn to the Christmas event at the Farm Museum (Christmas at the farm).  She said I had indicated that I planned to go.  I was not planning to go, but I told her I would check out the info after church and we could decide if it interests us.  I did that and it really did not sound all that great, so I suggested we might go to OLD Fashioned CHRISTMAS at West Jackson Corners, which the East Shelby Community Bible Church was putting on this afternoon.  She agreed and I picked her up and we headed out towards Medina. West Jackson Corners is a small village that the members of this church built.  The open it to the public twice a year, once in December (for this event) and once in the summer.    I learned about it a couple of years ago but disliked the fact that it is always on a Sunday afternoon (when I like to go home and rest).   However, it ...


Betty and I were planning to go to the Y to walk on the track, but I remembered this poster The sun was shining and the sky was blue, so I thought it might be a good day to go walk this trail.  I called Betty and she agreed to go.  She picked me up late in the morning.  Unfortunately, she did not like my directions and we went a different way and wasted about 45 minutes driving all the way out to Lewiston and then heading to Wilson...………..a very circular route.   However, we did find ERWAY's easily enough. We were disappointed to find that there was a five dollars per person charge to walk the trail, since that was not mentioned on Facebook, where I found he poster. I had ten dollars cash in my pocket, and when I asked for a seniors price, the woman at the gate said eight dollars was enough.   The trail was short and easy to walk.   We saw several deer along the way.   The lodge is also very interesting with many displays, here are...