
Showing posts from January, 2019


I met up with Betty at the Y and we walked a bit.  I used the recumbent bike and the Sci-Fit while she used the treadmill.  We went down to the gym at 11:30 for our second PICKLE BALL lesson.  We didn't quite complete the lesson, since Betty got worn out after 45 minutes.  We then went to ARBY'S for lunch. I went to the library to read the latest newspapers and then stopped at CHINA KING and got a quart of wonton soup.   Then went home and did a few things and took a nap. I picked Betty up and we went to the WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers)  Open House, that Peggy invited us to.  Peggy won the door prize (a cookbook) which she gave to me.

1/30/19 mostly at home

It is bitter cold, we got a few inches of snow last night and schools were closed today and will still be closed tomorrow.  I stayed home all day, did a few things that I have been putting off.  I thought that the members meeting and dinner at Faith Tab might be cancelled tonight, but it wasn't. I picked Betty up and we went to the meeting together.  Tonight's dinner was prepared by the elders: spaghetti, chicken parmesan, salad and brownies for desert.  Everything was very good. The meeting was very informative.  The new safety measures were explained.  Pastor Craig talked about how the church might purchase a small church building in the north end of Lockport (near where I live). Betty and I looked for the building before I took her home.  I  think we found it.  If we did, it was a fire station before it was a church. Betty had a phone message from Louise telling her that she and Frank are at the Lockport hospital.  He is being admitted.

Jan 27, 28 and 29th, 2019

Sunday the 27th we had a dish to pass meal after church.  The highlight was CarolAnn's sloppy joes, which were very good, and I think my huge pot of Cowboy Beans would have won second place.   The rest of the day was very lazy for me. Yesterday (Monday the 28th) I met up with Betty at the Y pool for SILVER SNEAKERS SPLASH, then we walked a bit and then went to Wendy's for a  baked potato. LIFE GROUP today was cancelled because the church was closed due to staff being out of the building, perhaps a conference or something.  Betty and I agreed to meet at the Y at 10:30.   We walked the track, then used the treadmills for ten minutes and at 11:30 we join the LEARN HOW TO PLAY PICKLEBALL class in the gym. Serving is pretty easy, but I have a way to go on hitting the ball and sending it back over the net.  We did not learn how to keep score today.  BUT, both Betty and I liked it, so I hope to do it more (and learn more).  After that we went to TOPS for a salad, and I picked u

Saturday January 26, 2019

I was thinking I might just stay home today and rest and do a few things around the house, but then Betty called and asked if I wanted to ride with her up to J.C. Penney's. I said I would go if we could get pizza for lunch and she agreed.  I got ready and she picked me up. At Penney's we found some bargains in the FINAL CLEARANCE area.  I got three more pullover exercise tops in royal blue, bright pink and green.  Betty found a few items.  We then went to the food court which only has two places still open. One of them was Nonno's where we each got a slice of pizza which was pretty good. We stopped at NIAGARA PRODUCE when we got back to Lockport.

1/25/29 Y, BINGO and MORE

I went to the Y for AQUA STRETCH and DEEP END WORKOUT this morning.  Betty showed up at the beginning of the DEW.  Then she and I walked a bit, and then we went to KFC to redeem two coupon codes I got online.  We each got a free sandwich with the purchase of a drink. While we were at KFC, Peggy called and asked if Betty and I would be willing to do a small folding and stuffing project at the church since the volunteer called and cancelled.  Betty had plans to run errands before picking Louise and Frank up to take them to an early supper at Gordy Harpers, so I agreed to go over and do the job.  It took about a half an hour and it was nice to get to visit with Peg and Ben while they were eating their lunch. I tried to nap this afternoon but there was a price to pay for that half glass of Dr. Pepper I had at KFC! Elaine came over for a light supper of Taco Chicken Soup and a muffin and then we went to the DALE to meet up with Sarah to play BINGO.  One of Elaine's relatives (Jun


I stayed home from the Y this morning because Marlene asked me to be available to help her with transportation to pick up her car which was having work done on it.   I spent the morning cooking: Zero Point Weightwatchers Chicken Taco Soup, muffins and baked custard.  Then Marlene called and told me that she did not need me to help her out since the work on her car was not completed. I rested in the afternoon and did some shoveling and salting of the sidewalk and ramp.   Betty and Peggy came over for supper.  They both seemed to enjoy the soup, and each of them took a small container of it home with them.  

1/23/19 at the Y and out with Betty and Louise

I got in the pool early for SILVER SNEAKERS SPLASH.  Pam, Elaine and Sarah came a bit later.  Sarah reminded me of our plans to go to BINGO this coming Friday at the Dale Association.  I left the pool a few minutes early because I needed to use the bathroom.   After my shower, I met up with Louise and Betty upstairs and we walked on the track for a while and Louise and I both used the recumbent bike for ten minutes and I used the Sci Fit machine for five minutes. Then we went into the small gym and played "pickle in the middle" and Betty showed us a couple of exercises using the small balls. Then Betty drove us out to Amherst to OLIVE GARDEN where I treated both Betty and Louise to lunch.  We all had the unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks.  Everything was very good.   Then Betty dropped me off at the Y where I had left my car.

Jan. 22, 2019 Tuesday

I really surprised myself this morning.  I would not have thought I had it in me.  I was driving south on Prospect Street and I saw (on my right) a man beating on a woman.  He had her pinned against a car and he had a baby in one arm.  I stopped and opened my window, and I yelled "you leave her alone or I am going to call the police". He yelled "go ahead and call them".  The girl started to walk away from him, walking south, she was in her pajamas.  He yelled "Cass, are you going to give up on our family?"  I stopped and rolled my window down again and hollered to her "Cassy...………...get in and I will take you someplace".  I thought maybe there might be a friend or relatives house she could go to.  She said "I am just going to walk".     When I got to Faith Tab, I called 911 and asked to be connected to LPD, and I reported what I saw. Life Group went well and after it was over, a bunch of us went to Wendy's. I went to Betty's

Monday January 21st, 2019

We had LOTS of snow over this past weekend and some terribly low temps yesterday into this morning.  I had planned to stay home all day today but Betty called late morning and said she had her car all dug out and wanted to go to Wendy's and wanted to know if I wanted to go with her. I asked her if we could combine that with going to the Y and she said OK, and also that she wanted to go to TOPS for a few things. She picked me up and we went to WENDY'S where I had a baked potato.  Then we went to the Y where we walked on the track for a half an hour and then we went to TOPS.  Before we arrived there, Betty said she wanted to buy a cake and take it to  Frank and Louise to celebrate their FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY which is today.  I agreed to that idea and we headed over to their house after we both got the groceries we needed. Frank and Louise were pleased with the cake and our company.  We stayed and had pie, cake and ice cream with them.  Louise showed us the cards and gifts they

1/l8/19 Finally Got into the POOL.

Finally I made it into the pool for a class (actually 3) today.  I missed Monday and Wednesday due to other commitments. I arrived a bit early and joined the last ten minutes of the previous class (I am not sure what it was) and then I did AQUA STRETCH and DEEP END WORKOUT.   Pam arrived in time for the DEEP END WORKOUT.  After my shower, I met up with Betty and we walked a bit.  We decided to go to TOPS for a salad for lunch. HOWEVER, when I got out to my car, I noticed something hanging off the rear tire.  When I tugged on it, it would not come out so I tossed it into the middle of the car, thinking it might be caught under the tire and if I drove away, I could get rid of it.  However, that did not happen and as I drove, I could hear it spinning around the tire. So, I called Betty and told her I was going to Hillmans to have it checked.  BUT, it must have come off right after that since the spinning stopped.  I went to Hillmans anyways and asked them to check it, and also redeem

January 17th, 2019

Yesterday, I had a meeting at Cayuga Day Hab.  I made cupcakes to take with me because it was one day before Carrie's birthday and I planned to stay and have lunch with her.  However, they told me when I arrived that they planned to celebrate the following day.   SOOOOOOOOOOOOO I returned today for pizza and cupcakes and cake. Then I went to the Y and walked for a half hour and used the Sci Fit machine for a bit.  I ran into Pam and we talked for a bit. Later on, I called Christa.  She and Nikolai were at J.C. Penney's shopping and planned to go out to eat shortly, probably at Olive Garden.   I wished her a Happy Birthday and we talked for a while.


1 lb.   boneless skinless chicken breast 1  onion, diced  (I used minced onion) 2  garlic cloves, minced (I used Trader Joes minced garlic) 14.5 oz.   canned pinto beans, drained 14.5 oz.   canned black beans, drained (I substituted white northern beans 14.5 oz.   canned corn, drained 14.5 oz.   canned diced tomatoes  2 cups   fat free chicken broth 1.25 oz.   taco seasoning  (I used about one third of this amount) I decided to make my own taco seasoning in order to avoid all the chemicals that come in the packaged mixes.  Near the end of cooking, I added a can of vegetarian refried beans to thicken the soup. HOMEMADE TACO SEASONING 1 Tbsp. Chili Powder 1/4 tsp. Garlic Powder 1/4 tsp. Onion Powder 1/4 tsp. Crushed Red Pepper Flakes 1/4 tsp. Dried Oregano 1/2 tsp. Paprika 1 1/2 tsp. Ground Cumin 1 tsp. Sea Salt 1 tsp. Black Pepper ( I used a half teaspoon of salt and pepper) I added a dash of Liquid Smoke and one packet of Sazon Goya Seas

1/12/19 Errands, Y and Lunch at Marks with Pam

I had planned to stay home today but when I got up I thought about the items I need to purchase and remembered that I have prescriptions waiting to be picked up at Rite Aid.  I decided to do several things around the house first before going out.  I called Pam and asked her if she would like to go out for a late lunch (for a slice of pizza) and then to the Y to walk the track. We agreed to meet up at two p.m. at Mark's. After I finished my tasks at home (mostly organizing tasks) I headed out  and went to Rite Aid, Dollar Tree and TOPS.  It turned out that when I finished all that, it was only 1:25 so I decided to take my groceries home first. I met up with Pam at Marks and we decided to split a meatball bomber.  Lori Rivers came into Marks and we asked her to eat with us.  We had a nice visit and it was good to get to know her a bit. At the Y, Pam and I walked close to a half hour.  I waved to Mike, but we did not have a chance to talk.  We ran into two woman who go to Faith

January 11,2019 Y and Game Night

I went to the Y this morning for AQUA STRETCH and DEEP END INTENSIVE WORKOUT (which may really be Aqua Jogging, according to a woman in that group today.  I am not sure why I felt a bit achy during the first group.  AQUA STRETCH is not as enjoyable as SILVER SNEAKERS SPLASH, which is on Mondays and Wednesdays.   Both Pam and Betty joined AQUA STRETCH after it started.  Pam went over to the deep end of the Lap Pool for the second class.  Then the three of us walked the track a bit.  Then we went to Wendy's for lunch. I went home and vac'd the kitchen, dining area and bathroom floors in anticipation of GAME NIGHT at my house.  I then took a short nap.  I went to the library at four p.m. to read the papers and return a book, and then met up with Elaine and Sarah at COUSINS CAFE for supper.  Inside the Bewley Building I saw this, which must be new: I had the fish fry at Cousins,, and it was very good, but I did not like the soup (Reuben Chowder) that I substituted for the potat

Y and Dollar Dinner: January 9th, 2019

After my appointment with my ENT, I hurried over to the Y hoping to be in time for SILVER SNEAKERS CLASSIC.    I was on time, but the instructor (someone new) started a few minutes early.  She did not know that it is a 45 minute class, so she stopped at the half hour mark.  That was fine with me, since I was NOT enjoying it much.  I went upstairs and walked the track a few times and used the fat belly machine, fat thighs machine as well as the back stretch machine.  I then went downstairs for SILVER SNEAKERS CIRCUT, but I changed my mind and left. I went  to the SALVATION ARMY and found a great black swimsuit which should fit me fine if I can lose five or six pounds, and a nice bright pink sporty top to wear over it.   I came home and rested and made a few phone calls. Elaine picked me up and we stopped by to get Betty and we went to the First Presbyterian Church for the DOLLAR DINNER.  It was very good:  salad, ham, pineapple stuffing, mashed sweet potatoes and roasted white po

GAMES and SNACKS with Sarah and Elaine: 1/4/19

Once again, I tried to get Betty and Pam interested in joining me at the Y for AQUA STRETCH in the pool.  I arrived a bit early and went upstairs and used a couple machines before going down to the pool.  They did not show up for AQUA STRETCH , but just as that ended and we were moving over to the lap pool for DEEP END WORKOUT, Betty arrived.  She exercised and swam in the family pool while I was in the lap pool. She and I walked the track for a bit and then she ran a few errands while I met with my trainer, Ed.  He showed me how use JACOB'S LADDER and then I tried it.  Its fun but a bit hard to get used to.  Then he and I went over some of the exercises he showed me a few weeks ago and he tried to teach me a new one called DEAD BUGS.  I had a hard time coordinating that one, so he agreed to send me a video via email.  In fact, he did that while I was still there.  This was my final session with Ed, but he said that any time I am there and he is not busy, he will help me with any

January 2, 2019 at the Y and Dinner at Sarah's

I tried to get Betty and Pam interested in joining me at the Y this morning for SILVER SNEAKERS SPLASH, but that did not work.  I went anyways, and was happy to see Sarah there, and happier when Elaine arrived.  Sarah invited both Elaine and I over to her place for homemade SPLIT PEA SOUP and we both accepted! After I got out of the pool, I decided to join the SILVER SNEAKERS CIRCUIT class which was getting ready to start.    It is a fun class but I had a hard time keeping up with some of the exercises. I went to the library the next day and saw this picture in the paper.  I am way back in the corner.  I was not aware of someone taking this picture. After I was done with that, Elaine and I decided to go to WENDY'S for a baked potato, free senior drink and a free frosty. Then I went home and did a few things and took a nap. Elaine picked me up to go to Sarah's place.  She has a gorgeous condo in THE COMMONS on Davison Road.  She served homemade split pea soup.  I made a

New Years Eve 2018 and New Years Day 2019

Yesterday (New Years Eve Day) I went to the Y in the morning and worked out before SILVER SNEAKERS SPLASH.  I had tentative plans to go to Buffalo with Peggy to see Jim McDonnel but she decided not to go since Dee did not seem to want any visitors.  In the evening, I went to David and Peg's place for a feast of ribeye steak, crab cakes, shrimp and lobster!   I took rice pilaf and rolls but we did not need my rolls since David made crescent rolls.  It was a great meal!!!!  On the way home, I picked up pictures from WalGreens that I had ordered for MaryAnne. Today I stayed in bed late, watching GOD KNOWS WHERE I LIVE (a documentary) which is the true story of Linda Bishop a mentally ill homeless woman who holed up in this house in New Hampshire and eventually died of starvation. and then prepared  big breakfast.  Betty called and asked if I wanted to go shopping in Buffalo with her, and I said no.   I worked on a few paperwork tasks and on putting away Christmas decorations. I c