June 30th, 2020 Mostly Mary Anne
I was finishing up my breakfast when Mary Anne called. She told me that she called Roswell to cancel her afternoon appointment. Roswell insisted on calling 911 and sending them to her house. I started getting dressed and someone from Roswell called to tell me they were sending 911. Then MA called again and I told her I was on the way. When I arrived the EMT's were leaving. Paula was in the house with MA. While we were talking, I suggested that I start picking up mail (which was spread out all over the place) and MA said that was OK. I bagged up a bunch of junk mail. Paula left. MA decided to write out checks to pay her Homeowners Insurance. I agreed to take the checks to Bower Agency. She called Bowers and they wanted me to bring the POWER of ATTORNEY document. Before I left, Mary Anne gave me a few bags of clothing for me to launder. I went home and got the P of A. I called Myrna and asked...