New Years Eve Day 2021
Yesterday, I called Betty and asked her if she could drive me to HOOKS SHOE STORE in Amherst. I needed to pick up a couple of toe cushions (for hammer toes) since my left toes started hurting several days ago. Betty agreed to take me and she picked me up at ten a.m. We found HOOK'S easily enough, and I bought two cushions, one for the right foot and one for my left foot. I also purchased a pair of wide New Balance sneakers. It's hard to find shoes wide enough for my feet, and New Balance has not been supplying the stores for several months, so inventory is low, but they had a pair in my size. So, I purchased them, even though they were terribly expensive. Betty wanted to go to the nearest J.C. Penney's to return a pair of slippers that she purchased. While there, we looked around. I noticed a table with long sleeved t-shirts. I asked Betty if she needed any long sleeve t-shirts and she said no, but she picked out four, w...