
Showing posts from February, 2022

Sunday, February 27th, 2022 and Monday the 28th

 SUNDAY:   Pastor Chris Ball  from Elim preached a great sermon today.  After church, Betty and I met up at the OLIVE LEAF for lunch.  I had a huge Greek salad.  They must put a half a head of lettuce into this salad, along with a lot of chicken, four pieces of pita bread, etc.   I rested in the afternoon (falling asleep on the couch), and then watching a movie I found on Tubi.   I called Myrna and we talked for a while.  She sounded very tired and she agreed that she is.  She has a medical appointment tomorrow and will start chemo on Tuesday.   I watched the two episodes of GOOD SAM that I missed.    Now I am caught up. MONDAY February 28th I hardly slept at all last night, due to running to the bathroom most of the night.  UGH.  I felt awful when I finally gave up and got up, but I decided to keep my chiropractic appointment at ten thirty.  First, though, I called NORTHWEST BANK regarding the fraudulent charge made at for an item purchase in Bentonville, Arkansas.   Turns

Saturday, February 26th MORE FRAUD

 I ran a few errands this morning: picking up a script at Rite Aid, taking books back to the library and I stayed to read the last few days local papers.  I purchased this book from the used book corner.  When I got home, I was preparing lunch when Paula called, and we talked for a bit. I decided to check my NorthWest Bank online account since they sent out a fraud alert yesterday.  I found a charge, posted February 9th for something purchased at and the item must have been purchased at Walmart in Arkansas.  Unfortunately, customer service at NW Bank is closed until Monday morning at eight a.m.  I tried to get some help from WalMart, but the charge was made using my OLD debit card, before the new one was issued after the first fraud alert.    I tried to nap, but most likely I was too tense from the FRAUD issue, so I rested and listened to a couple of podcasts by Dennis Prager. I decided to use my last piecrust to make a couple of small meat pies using my leftover roast be

February 24th, 2022 Thursday and Friday the 25th.

THURSDAY:  Last night I slept better than I have since the pain in my leg started (about two weeks ago).  First thing this morning after I got up, I started a chuck roast, onions and carrots in my largest crockpot.  I got the ingredients ready for bread putting, which I will prepare for dessert.    I went to Medwell and saw Erica regarding the strange, intermittent pain in my left hip, groin and leg.  She diagnosed the problem as INFLAMMATION.  She prescribed a six-day course of steroids.  She said that continuing my chiropractic treatment is OK.  When I got home, there was a recorded message from Rite Aid telling me it was ready.  I threw the bread pudding together and put it in the oven and went to pick up my two scripts:  the steroid and eye drops for after the laser surgery next Wednesday.  Rite Aid had a table set up just inside the front door, with lots of government issue N95 masks.  They are different (and better) than the other ones I picked up last week.  I came home and adde

February 23rd. 2022 I Had a Very Long Day

 I had to get up early for an appointment with Dr. Fetterman, an eye doctor, who I was hoping I would like and could do my minor laser surgery on my right eye.  I arrived on time and was taken in shortly and found that I really like him.  I was able to schedule an appointment for a week from today to have the procedure done.  I was heading for home when I realized that I might want to purchase a new BRUDER MASK from Dr. Legeratta, the eye doctor that I decided to leave.  I had mentioned the use of a Bruder Mask to Dr. Fetterman and he said he had heard of them, so I am sure I surmised correctly that he does not sell them.  SO, I stopped at Dr. Legarreta's office and purchased one.  I guess if I need one in the future, I will need to order one online.   I went to THE BUTCHER SHOP and purchased a three-pound chuck roast and some shrimp.  Then I went to Niagara Produce to get some small red potatoes.  When I got home, I was puttering around when Peggy called, and I invited her to come

PRESIDENTS DAY OUTING with Peggy: February 21, 2022 and Tuesday 2/22/22

Monday: I met up with Peggy at her house and we headed out to Amherst, to Amherst State Park.  We had a nice hike along a mostly paved trail.   I took pictures.  The creek is Ellicott Creek.                       Interesting and kind of colorful abandoned structure. \                   Another abandoned structure. Perhaps a structure for hunters......? We had lunch at   D'Aviolio Kitchen on Main Street in Williamsville.   We shared a Cuban sandwich and a steak sandwich.  It was good.   Before going back to Lockport, we stopped at Aldi's and then Trader Joe's.  While in Aldi's I suggested to Peggy that we do the CAW CAW THING.  She immediately CAWED CAWED, and said "I have no shame".  I don't think anybody was paying attention.  I looked for the sequined pants in the Aisle of Shame, but they did not have any.   After supper (peanut butter and banana sandwich and asparagus) I found this movie SITTING IN LIMBO........ Sitting in Limbo (2020 film) Sitting in L

SATURDAY, February 19th, 2022 and SUNDAY, 2/20/22

 Betty and I talked early in the day and decided to totally skip going to the Community Market.  I decided to catch up on a few things in particular correspondence and phone calls. I typed up a long letter to Judy.  I called Elaine and Connie.  I completed gathering information for my income tax.  I changed the sheets on my bed.  I went through my email account and deleted hundreds of emails.  I emailed Christa and Bob and Linda Spuller.  I thawed out a container of soup that was in the freezer for my supper.  Bob Spuller emailed right back.  They are all doing fine.  He send some nice pictures of Laura.  Laura is not going to a day program now due to lack of staff.   I have not made Yorkshire Puddings in a long time and decided they might go well with my soup, so I found this recipe; YORKSHIRE PUDDINGS 3 eggs        1 cup milk 1 cup all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons butter Step 2 Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Step 2 In a medium bowl, beat eggs with milk. Stir in flour.


 I was not sure if the weather was nice enough for me to go to the Y to the Walking Group or not.  I looked outside a few times and it was snowing FAST and FURIOUSLY.  So, I messaged Jan and told her I thought I should stay home.   So then I decided to start working on my income tax for last year.  Then the weather changed, it stopped snowing and the sun came out BUT I had papers (mostly bank statements) spread out all over the place, so I stuck with that and made good progress!!! I have never met Mary Delaney McFall in person but we are Facebook friends and have kind of talked about getting together a few times over the past few years, but we never succeeded in setting a time that would work for both of us.  She messaged me this morning and suggested we sign up for a PAINTING CLASS at the Bewley Building.   I agreed and it is all set up for a week from tomorrow.  VIBERANT ART by Veronica.  This is the painting  I tried to nap but could not fall asleep.  I had leftovers from last night

Thursday, February 17, 2022 RECIPE FOR RAISIN BRAN MUFFINS

 I decided to make RAISIN BRAN MUFFINS for my breakfast, so I looked for a recipe using SELF RISING FLOUR and used it. I added dried cranberrys to a few of them.  I set the oven for 395 and they were done at about twenty minutes.   1 ¼   cup   self-rising flour 1/2   cup   sugar 3   cups   Raisin Bran cereal 1   egg 1/3   cup   vegetable cooking oil 1 ¼   cup   milk Mix flour and sugar together. Set aside. In another bowl, mix cereal, egg, oil and milk together. When cereal is softened, add flour and sugar mixture, mixing well. Spoon into a paper-lined muffin pan, making each muffin about 2/3 full. Bake at 400 degrees for 25-30 minutes or until the muffins are golden brown. This is the picture from the recipe page.  They don't look exactly like this.   PRETTY GOOD!!!   I decided to invite Peggy for supper.  We used to have supper together most Thursday nights before COVID, and then stopped.  David will come with her, but he will bring his own food.   I found this recipe for banana

Wednesday February 16th

 First thing today, I called Leslie and asked her if she would be OK with changing our reservations for our June trip to ASP.   She said OK, and then I called Reserve America and made the change.  Now, the plans are for Leslie and I to meet up on Monday May 30th (which is Memorial Day) and stay seven nights.  Our final night will be Sunday June 5th, and we will leave the park on the sixth.  This will give me a few days to rest up at home before the Ladies Getaway.  I feel good about this.  I was concerned about being not having much time at home to do laundry, repack and rest a bit before leaving for the LADIES GETAWAY on the ninth.   This new plan should work out well.   I spent some time going over the new estimate/contract from Zenner and Ritter for the generator I might purchase.  I emailed Bill Yaw with a couple of questions.   I went to the Y for SILVER SNEAKERS CLASSIC at one p.m.   One man joined the rest of us ladies for this class, which went very smoothly.  After it was over

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

 I attended the Ladies Life Group.  Glenda came for the first time, also another woman named Carolyn, I think maybe Pam invited her and that she might be a volunteer at Lockport Cares (the homeless shelter).  It was a good-sized group.  They were talking about going out to lunch after but since I was planning on going out to supper (spaghetti at Solid Rock Church in Gasport)  with Betty and Myrna, I declined. Betty and I picked Myrna up at four thirty p.m.  I gave Myrna the fruitcake that I made for her last month and had in my freezer.  She gave me two bags of nuts to use in future fruitcakes.   Supper at SOLID ROCK was good.  Becky was there with a friend and Sarah was there with a couple of her friends.  Sarah asked about when we will have our GAME NIGHT.  I told her I will talk with Elaine about it.  On the way back to Gasport, Myrna wanted to stop at TOPS and return two packages of coffee that she purchased by mistake.  She was given a cash refund.  She needed a few other items, s

Monday, February 14, 2022 I Ordered a New Car

 I met up with David at BASIL TOYOTA here in Lockport at ten thirty and we met with Zack, who I had met a few weeks ago when I first stopped there.  I showed him the paperwork for the car I decided on when David and I were at WEST HERR Toyota in Williamsville last week.  They did not have one of those to show me, but a couple of days ago a VENZA came in, and he let David and I test drive it.  It is a beautiful car, in the color I like, but it does not have a navigation system, which I think is important.  Anyways, I gave Zack a five-hundred-dollar deposit and ordered the car I want.  It will take up to three months for it to be delivered.  If, when it comes, I do not like it, I will get my deposit back.  They have plenty of anxious buyers for every new car that comes in.   I had just enough time to go home and have a snack and change into my exercise clothing and get to the Y in time for SILVER SNEAKERS CLASSIC.  Jan did not make it, but there were more women there than the few other t

Sunday, February 13th, 2022

 Church was very good this morning.  After church, Betty, Jan, Maggie and I met up at Laport's for lunch.  I had the turkey dinner.  It was way too much food to eat in one sitting, so I brought most of it home with me.  Their turkey dinner on Sunday when it is one of their specials is a real good deal: only twelve dollars after the senior discount is used.  Our server automatically gave it to all four of us.  I suggested to Betty, Jan and Maggie that we do this every Sunday after church, going to a different restaurant every Sunday.   The 2022 Ladies Retreat was announced in the bulletin this morning.  Unfortunately for me, it starts the day after I plan to return to Lockport after my week in Allegany State Park with Leslie.  EVEN SO, I plan to go.  I could leave ASP one day early.  I will have to think about this more.  I think I will decide to leave ASP one day early so that I can have one full day and part of another at home before leaving for Camp Li Lo Li. I watched the movie

Saturday, February 12th, 2022

 During the early part of the day, I made a chocolate cream pie, Dutch letter bars and a pasta salad.  I also vacuumed.  I dug out my recyclable bin which had kind of been snowed in for over a month.  I got it out and it is pretty full now.  I did not sleep all that well last night, so I tried to nap in the early afternoon, but I don't think I fell asleep.  When I got up, I found that Peggy and Becky had called.  I called Peggy back and we confirmed the time for me to get to her house for supper.  I didn't have time to call Becky back because I only had time to take a shower and get dressed before leaving for Peg and Davids house. Supper was lobster tails, steak, stuffed clams, lobster bisque, pasta salad and focacia bread, plus the two deserts I took.  Peggy LOVED the Dutch Letter Bars. She liked them more than I like them.  I will get the recipe to her.  After supper, they put the movie POINT BREAK on.  It is kind of an old movie, an action film.  The actress who played sist

FRIDAY, February 11, 2022

 I accompanied Carrie and the Medical Liaison Sue Sprague to Carrie's appointment with her primary doctor, Dr. Sauret this morning.  It went well.  He approved Carrie having another scan of her breasts instead of having a biopsy at this time.   I had decided to go through the drive through at Reids for a hot dog on the way home, but I changed my mind and had lunch at home, and then went to the Y for the WALKING CLUB.  I met Jan there.   I had a nap in the afternoon and watched ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST in the evening on Tubi.   I thought I had seen it before years ago, but now I am not sure.  It is very good. Connie called and we talked for a while. I found the movie THE STERILE CUCKOO on Pluto TV On Demand, which is the movie I was thinking of.  Bob and I saw this movie at a movie theatre when we were dating, and I am pretty sure we both read the book after seeing the movie.   I accomplished a few small things in the evening:  activated my new Citizens debit card, put a

Wednesday, February 9th, 2022 and THURSDAY 2/10/22

WEDNESDAY My phone rang at eight thirty a.m.  I was still in bed.  It was my brother in law David wanting to know if he and I could go to a couple of TOYOTA dealers to see what they have to offer.  I agreed to meet up with him at his house in an hour, but I had to call him to make that time a little bit later.  We left his place at ten a.m. and headed out.  First stop McDonalds in Lockport where David purchased two breakfast sandwiches.   The first place we stopped, off of Millersport Highway, has a TOYOTA sign out in front, but they don't sell Toyotas anymore.  The second place on the boulevard might have been a bit more hopeful, but the salesperson who greeted us told us that they don't have any new cars and would have to order one, and he was not all that eager to work with us.  So, we headed to Main Street in Clarence to WEST HERR Toyota, and met with Kristen.  She told us the same thing: that we would have to order one.  I really wanted to see a VENZA but they did not have

Tuesday, February 8th, 2022 Ladies Life Group and Wednesday February 9th./ Clafoutis

TUESDAY:  I arrived at the Ladies Life Group a bit early and helped to move a third table over so that we would have enough seating and be able to social distance a bit.  I think there were nine of us there.  We continued on, discussing our theme "the names of Jesus."    As we were finishing up we started to discuss what topic to study when we finish this one.  Elaine had a book that she was suggesting we use, and Cindi got a bit upset because she had given Elaine some information a couple of months ago, which would expand on our present topic.  Elaine seemed to be ignoring her.  Several of the ladies agreed to go to lunch at the OLIVE LEAF, but I decided to go home since I had bean soup in the crockpot.     The last time I talked to Betty on the phone, she said she really wanted to take a walk and get some fresh air.  When I got home I called her and asked if she wanted to go out for a walk.  She said she needed to go out and pay bills and do some other things.   I was able

Monday, February 7th, 2022

 I had a great nights sleep.  I was SO exhausted last evening (I did not take a nap) that I kept dozing off during AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS, so I took a sleeping pill and went to bed at nine thirty or so.    I was awake kind of early this morning, unfortunately. I had a list of phone calls to make this morning: KEVIN KOPEK at NW bank, he confirmed that my new debit card has been issued and I should get it in the mail in a couple of weeks.  He suggested that I check my credit cards to see if there has been any unusual activity so I checked the two that I have in my wallet and everything is AOK.  I checked Citizens Bank, too and it is fine, but I was put on hold in order to change my password, so I will have to get back to them. KAREN:  the driver for Hearts and Hands.  We confirmed that she will pick me up at 10:50 on Thursday to take me to Dr. Legaretta's office in Williamsville. KENAN CENTER: to register Jan and I for the watercolor class, but Candy who answered the phone h


Church was EXCELLENT this morning.  After church, Peggy held a CONNECT event called PIZZA, PASTRIES and PAINTING.  There were a LOT of seniors there.  After lunch, Teri Nelson led a painting project.  I took several pictures. It was fun to have my cousin Bridget at the table Jan and I sat at, along with Cindi, Sue, Maggie and Mary.  Sue did not stay for the painting project.   This is my finished product.  I "antiqued" it but I guess I didn't put enough on. We didn't finish up until a little before three thirty p.m.  I am glad that I got my trash ready to go out this morning before church since I was kind of tired when I got home.  I haven't used my chrome book in a while, so I figured it would be a good time to practice uploading pictures onto it and then directly into flickr.  It worked and it was easy this time!

Saturday, February 5th, 2022

 I changed my sheets in the morning and worked on sorting pajamas.  The sun was shining, and I have not been out of the house since Wednesday, so I decided it was a good time to get out of the house.    I called Betty to see if she might want to go to a movie, but she she was not interested.  I called Cindi and suggested that it might be a good day to go to the Kenan Center for the art exhibit.  She agreed and we agreed to meet up at the Kenan at two p.m. when they open. I messaged Jan and asked if she wanted to join us, and she said she had plans with her granddaughter.  I left a phone message for Marlene, but she did not call back.  I left early and went to the library to pick up a book they were holding for me.  I went to two Rite Aids and got the free government issue masks.  I got three at each place.  They do not seem to be very good quality and I was surprised that they are loose.  At one of the Rite Aids the worker put three of the masks into a paper bag and at the other Rite A


 I went out and shoveled snow so that the mailman can easily get to my mailbox and then shoveled out a "ridge" that the city plow left at the top of my driveway.  After that, I decided to NOT go out today even though Jan and I had planned to go to the WALKING CLUB at the Y.  She stated that her neck was bothering her so she did not want to go out.   I called Pam to see how she is doing, and she is doing fine.  She went out yesterday to have blood work and to her dentist.  I put together a pumpkin pie and baked it.   I was just finishing up my lunch and watching the movie (more of a documentary) ZARA when the phone rang, and SPAM RISK showed up.  The voice mail said it was Northwest Bank calling about a possible fraudulent activity using my debit card.  I was not sure this message was the real thing so I called my local NW Bank and they verified that the phone number left in the message was correct and that I should call it.  I did and it was verified that there was a fraudule

Thursday, February 3, 2022 SNOW!

 We had a few inches of snow during the night, and it is continuing.  Lockport schools are closed.  I won't be going anyplace today.  I prepared french toast for my breakfast and started soaking navy beans.  I took a ham bone out of the freezer.   I worked more on sorting through my clothing.  I must have 12 or 14 black tops.  I had to put them in TWO different places.  Most likely I will forget that when I need a black top.  I also emptied out the dresser where I keep all of my vests.  I found that I have three purple vests.  I got rid of one vest and folded the rest and put them back.  I am making good progress with going through clothing.  The next task will be sorting through my pajama drawers.   The beans took SEVERAL HOURS in the crockpot, AFTER cooking and soaking them according to the directions on the bag.  They do have a nice flavor, though, even though I would be happier if they were softer.  I roasted sweet potatoes and pineapple in the oven and made a pan of cornbread.