
Showing posts from April, 2022

Friday, April 29th in Colorado and Saturday the 30th GOING HOME

 FRIDAY:  It was kind of a boring day.  I did laundry first thing in the morning, in preparation for packing for my flight to Buffalo tomorrow.  When Christa got up, she said she didn't think she should go out today since her hands were aching somewhat.  I think she probably did a bit too much yesterday. We watched LEAVE NO TRACE and part of THE SURVIVORS.  I rested a bit in my room and then called FRONTIER AIRLINES regarding my flight tomorrow.  I am unable to print my boarding pass, but I can go into the priority line when I arrive and take care of everything.   In the evening, the three of us finished the third season of KILLING EVE. SATURDAY: Two weeks ago when I flew from Buffalo to Denver, masks were required.  About a week ago, the mask mandate was lifted!!! Hooray!  I noticed that a lot of people were still wearing them today.  I wore mine while sitting on the plan as many people walked past me to get to their seats and then took it off for the rest of my flight.   Christa

April 28th 2022 in Colorado......................GHOST TOWN

 Christa felt that today would be a good day for her to resume driving.  So, after we were both ready for the day (around eleven thirty a.m.) we drove around the community a bit.  She felt comfortable so we headed out for the day.  Our first stop was O'Malley's Mercantile in Watkins, Colorado.  This is a very nice store that carries pet supplies, baby chicks, some clothing and lots of other items including some very nice jewelry. I saw a bracelet I liked in a glass case, but the owner could not find the right key to open it. Then we headed to a semi-ghost town I had mentioned to Christa the other day DEER TRAIL.  Deer Trail was founded when the  Kansas Pacific Railway  built a station in what is now Deer Trail in 1870. The town was  platted  by the railway in 1875 and soon became a shipping point for grain, livestock, and eggs. By the late 1920s Deer Trail grew into a town larger than it is today with two banks, five grocery stores, and three hotels. The  Great Depression  of t

April 26th (Tuesday) and April 27th (Wednesday) in (Denver Botanic Gardens)

 TUESDAY: this morning, Christa asked me when I planned on leaving since she wanted to make an appointment (online) with her therapist.  I told her that if she wanted to do that, I could easily make myself scarce.  But I figure that she asked me that question because she is ready to "go it alone", so I went online and found a flight on Saturday with FRONTIER AIRLINES, a direct flight between Denver and Buffalo leaving early afternoon, which is a really good time for both me and Nik and Christa.  The Frontier website recognized me as an account holder. I must have opened my account in January of 2018 when I purchased my round trip to Denver for April of that year.  However, they had the year of my birth wrong and I was unable to change it to the correct year.  Christa got on the phone and we got it fixed and I made my reservation.  I communicated with Peg and she will pick me up at the airport Saturday evening.   We had a frozen pizza for supper and watched one or two episodes

Sunday, April 24th, 2022 in Colorado and Monday the 25th

 SUNDAY:  I suggested going to a semi-ghost town (Deer Trail) this morning, but I guess that idea did not interest Nikolai very much.  He said he did not feel like going.  He has been dealing with pain in his feet for a year or two and it seems that it has gotten worse in the past few weeks.  I told him about how I had pain in one of my feet and the podiatrist made inserts for me which gave me instant relief.  This was 20 or 21 years ago.  I think that inspired him to look online to see where he might get inserts because he made an appointment with a GOOD FEET STORE.  Christa and I accompanied him.  He decided against purchasing a very expensive package of three types of inserts, but did purchase some high end sneakers, and he said they help.  He will make an appointment with a podiatrist as soon as he can.  I purchased these socks and the salesman gave me two free pair of the same sock except shorter.  I really like them and they are great for wearing around Nik's and Christa'

Saturday April 23rd in Colorado (MILE HIGH FLEA MARKET)

 I was up long before Christa and Nikolai so I finished reading this book.  I really love this book, the author included several recipes.   We headed out around noon for the  MILE HIGH FLEA MARKET.   I enjoyed walking around and looking at all the offerings.  I bought a plant for Christa and I purchased three very small paintings in an Asian shop.  One is for Christa, I will keep one and give one to Betty for picking up my mail while I am gone   When we left the flea market, I suggested we go for a late lunch or early supper.  I said I wanted to go to something that we DO NOT have in New York.  We drove around a bit, checking various areas out to see what was offered and ended up at FAMOUS DAVES BBQ. I had a two meat meal:  I l chose BBQ chicken and burnt ends.    It is a great place.  The prices are reasonable, service was fast and efficient and the food was very good.  Both Christa and I took part of our meals with us.   We stopped at a WalGreens so Christa could get some bandages fo

Friday April 22nd, 2022

 I slept great last night, not even waking up in the middle of the night.   Christa and I watched a movie that I did not like much this morning, about a couple who had a daughter who died, but they pretended that she was still alive.  I took a 35 minute walk around noon.  It was hotter today than two days ago when I took a walk but there was some wind that I welcomed.   For lunch we each made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  We watched the movie UNCLE FRANK in the afternoon.   It is such a good movie.  After that I emptied the dishwasher and then I took a nap.   Christa started watching KILLING EVE while I was napping.  She was on the second episode when I got up.  It looked familiar.  Paula F. recommended it to me a while back and I started watching it, but quit, so I was able to get caught up.  I don't like it as much as Christa does.   We had pasta and meatballs and garlic toast for supper.   We talked about going to a huge flea market tomorrow.  

Thursday, April 21st, 2022 in Colorado

 Nik went into work early today.  I got up and had breakfast before Christa got up.  In the morning, we continued watching MARE OF EASTTOWN.           I helped her with laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, and made Pineapple Stuffing.  We both had helpings of that with our lunch.   I rested in my room in the afternoon and when I got up, Nikolai was home and taking Oliver for a walk.  We had filet mignon and leftovers from last nights Mexican food for supper. I had been thinking that it might be time for me to book a return flight home, possibly this weekend.  After supper I brought the topic of how long I am going o stay up with Nik and Christa.  Christa said she does not want to be alone for another week.  So I said I will stay and we will discuss it next Thursday and see how she feels at that time. We finished watching MARE OF EASTTOWN.  in the evening.  

Wednesday, April 20th, in Colorado

 Christa and I watched a movie this morning, and then I started a load of laundry.  While it was in the machine, I took a half hour walk around the neighborhood, and when I got back I prepared lunch.   We started to watch MARE OF EASTTOWN. Before I laid down for a rest, I asked Christa to text Nik and ask him to pick up some food for supper and surprise us.   He came home early so he didn't do that.  I think he ordered it through GRUB HUB, anyways he went to URBAN SOMBRERO and brought home a LOT of delicious food.  Everything was so good, and there are a lot of leftovers.   

TUESDAY 4/19/22

 Nikolai worked from home today since the landscapers were coming to do MUCH work in the yard and they also put screens up throughout the house.  Christa and I relaxed and watched movies.  The best one was OUR FRIEND, a true story.  I prepared grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch for the three of us.   Christa continues to do well.  She took her first shower since surgery this afternoon.  I prepared steak fries in the oven for supper, and broccoli and Nik did hotdogs on the flat grill surface on their stove.  It was a good meal.  In the evening, we watched the documentary about Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz,

April 18th in Colorado

 Nikolai went to work today, so I was "on call" to help Christa with whatever she needed.  We watched a few movies.  WINDFALL was good.  I did not like the second movie THE CLOVEHITCH KILLER, loosely based on the BTK killer.  I have a ROKU tv in my room, so I decided to take advantage of it, and watch THE GILDED AGE on HBO.  I do that late at night, early in the morning or when Christa takes a nap. Supper was a joint effort.  Christa walked me through her recipe for asparagus, one she got on Pinterest.  I made the macaroni and cheese (DAIYA) and Nikolai pan seared a couple of ribeye steaks.  Everything was very good.  Nik and Christa talked to Nik's mother on the phone for a while after supper.  We watched the movie CRASH in the evening.  

EASTER SUNDAY (April 17, 2022) in Colorado

 I slept great.  When I woke up, I updated my new pictures on flickr, and finished organizing my "stuff".   I went downstairs a few minutes before eight.  I was on facebook when it appeared that Freedom Church was live.  I watched at least half of it and saved it "for later." Nikolai prepared a nice breakfast of burritos and bacon.  He has to feed Christa.  However, she is rapidly recovering from the surgery and today she was able to pick up her phone!!! Nik went to work for a few hours.  Christa and I watched THE TENDER BAR.  We really did not have lunch, but we had a few snacks.  I started to fall asleep during the second movie we were watching, and I think maybe Christa was dozing off because all of a sudden she said she needed to lay down for a while, so I went to my room and laid down, but I don't think I fell asleep. Nikolai came home with groceries.   I prepared chicken nuggets and broccoli for supper.  Nik made a salad and we had some potato salad that h

Saturday, April 16th, 2022 To COLORADO!!!!!

 Peg came over in the morning to meet up with the woman who agreed to take the stove from the upstairs apartment.  Mission accomplished.  I continued getting ready for the trip and then we headed out.  We stopped at the church to deliver the coffee cakes for tomorrow.  A group of people were rehearsing on the stage in the sanctuary, for the Easter service. I took a few pictures.   Peg dropped me off at the airport about 11:40 a.m.  I had been concerned about a long line at the check in spot, but there wasn't any.  I had actually checked in over the phone last night but was unable to access my itinerary info. on the UNITED website last night. BUT, all the agent had to do was look at my license and take my bag, which I had also checked in and paid for last night on the phone, and I was on my way.  I found my terminal easily and settled in with my book MY BRIDGES OF HOPE and used the ladies room twice and eventually boarded my flight.   The trip to Newark was smooth and short.   The N

Thursday, April 14th, 2022 COLONOSCOPY DAY and FRIDAY 4/15 (Good Friday) TGIFG

 The preparation routine that Dr. Chubineh gave me was the WORST EVER.  In the past, I am pretty sure I started the procedure earlier than four p.m.  This routine involved gas pills, Dulcolax, and MiraLAX.  I think I may have gotten a full hour of sleep (if I was lucky) due to running to the bathroom over and over again all night and having to start the last step of the prep. routine at four thirty a.m. this morning.  UGH Anyways, the procedure went just fine.  I had an afternoon nap and rested the rest of the day.  I decided to use my large colorful purse/bag that I won at one of the CareNet banquets for the trip.  I found my charger for my old CoolPix camera.   However, it did charge that camera.   I tried to check my flight status on the UNITED AIRLINES website, but it told me that I did not have any flights with them.  I called customer service and talked to a woman named Vivian who confirmed my flight easily.  I was really tired watching BULL which came on at ten p.m. and I think

Tuesday, April 12th and Wednesday April 13th

TUESDAY: I dropped off a bag of ice packs at FREEDOM CHURCH, for Peggy to use in the upcoming Easter brunch.  I will not be there for it or working in the preparation for it because I will be in Colorado by then.   I also dropped off a list of proposed activities for the members of the Tuesday morning Ladies Life Group.  Betty agreed to send the list around and have the ladies initial the ones that interest them.  Then I went to Rite Aid and picked up two prescriptions.  Then I went home for a few minutes before heading out to Lewiston to meet up with Carrie and Sue for Carrie's breast scan appointment.  On the way to Oxbow, I stopped at the Lewiston TOPS and purchased a box of lemon Jello mix.  I will make it up tonight, so I can eat it tomorrow when I am on the liquid diet for my colonoscopy. The appointment went well.  I was surprised at how well Carrie cooperated.  We will have to wait for a report from the doctor.   When I got home, I prepared lunch and put on today's BEN

Monday April 11th

 I had to get up early this morning because of my early appointment with Dr. Kurbs, so I set my alarm.  It was a harsh awakening, but it rescued me from a nightmare.  I was seeing the new Orthopedic doctor and it turned out to be two docs who were poking and tapping and prodding without any explanations and then they were done and left the exam room, my clothing was missing and nobody would respond to my questions about where they were.  So, I was running around in a flapping hospital gown and I was trying to call 911 for help.   HA HA. Anyways, my appointment with Dr. Kurbs went well and then I picked up breakfast at Burger King since I had only had a banana before the first appointment.   Dr. Nenno diagnosed it as arthritis and told me to return in six months unless more problems develop.  He said I can walk and exercise as long as I am comfortable.   Since I was out and about and it was only nine thirty a.m. when I completed the second appointment, I decided to drive to Feel Rite an

Sunday, April 10th, 2022

 The coffee bar at church re-opened this morning.  It had been closed down due to COVID.  It was very popular today, offering Italian soda in various flavors.  I had planned to try one, but the line was too long.   Steve led worship today and there were some new songs.    The sermon was excellent!  After church, Betty, Glenda, Ann, Maggie and Jan and I all met up at LaPorts for lunch.   Five of the six of us had the turkey dinner.  I was the only one who ordered the FULL (large) turkey dinner, but the orders got mixed up and Maggie got my dinner by mistake, and I got her small one.  Since hers was drenched in gravy and mine wasn't, we did not switch.  The waitress adjusted our bills.   After a nap, I completed my order for OTC items that Univera provides for me every three months.  I made myself a turkey sandwich with leftover turkey from my lunch for my supper, using the light wheat bread I got at Millers a couple of days ago.   I added FAWESOME BRITISH TV to my ROKU TV and found

FRIDAY APRIL 8th, 2022 and Saturday April 9th, 2022

FRIDAY:  I slept great last night.  When I was sitting on the couch eating my breakfast and watching TV, I noticed something strange out on the ramp.  I went out to investigate and found a TOPS grocery cart.  I called the local TOPS here in Lockport and was told that they will send someone to pick it up.   I had my follow up appointment with Dr. Fetterman, in order to have my cataract repair checked.   He said it is fine.  He gave me a prescription for new glasses, but I don't feel confident that it is a good prescription since it was based on the "which is clearer, A or B?" procedure asked by a technician AFTER she put drops in my left eye (the eye that was going to be checked). I told her that my left eye was blurry from the drops.   So, I don't know what to do.  I can't go back to Dr. Legeratta because when he looks at my eyes, he will see that I had the procedure he recommended done someplace else!   I want new glasses because some of the finish has worn off o

WEDNESDAY, April 6th and THURSDAY April 7th

WEDNESDAY I slept pretty well last night.  I called Gail and left a message about she and I possibly going to see our Aunt Hiroko at the HOSPICE CENTER, where she is residing in the long-term care wing.  Gail did not call back.  I will call her tonight and ask if she wants to do this tomorrow. I called Jan and asked if she would like to go to MILLER'S.  She said yes so I picked her up at her place.  We got to talking and I failed to turn at Wrights Corners and we did not realize we were not heading to Millers until we were almost to Olcott.  So, we turned around and got back to Wright's Corners and finally made it to Millers.  We were surprised that there were so few people in the store.   We purchased items and headed back towards Lockport. I stopped at the Rochester Road so Jan could mail some letters at the TOPS.  Then I took Jan to the Rite Aid on the corner of Summit and Transit where she picked up a prescription.  When we got to her place, she did not seem anxious to get

Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 Life Group and Scam Attempt

I did not sleep well last night.  I decided to run a couple of errands before going to the church.  I went to the USPS and mailed some old photographs to Christa.  I know I am going to see her in less than ten days, but at that time, she will have her wrists bandaged or in splints, so she won't be able to go through the pictures.   The Ladies Life Group was great!   Cindi is such a good leader.  I think there were sixteen of us present today.  Glenda had a medical appointment, so she arrived late.  A few of the ladies decided to go to lunch at THE OLIVE LEAF, but I decided not to join them.  I stopped at Marks Pizza and bought a slice of chicken finger pizza.  It was a bit spicy.   I was watching THE FATHER WHO MOVES MOUNTAINS when I got a call from a fellow claiming to be from Amazon, wanting me to verify a fifteen hundred dollars purchase.  I said NO and asked him to cancel the order since it was not my purchase.  He wanted me to do a song and dance starting in google and someho

Sunday, April 3, 2022 GRUB and GAMES (Connect Group Luncheon) and MONDAY April 4th

 I picked Maggie up this morning for church.  She was all smiles because of good things that have happened in the past few days.  First, she found out that someone is paying her way to the LADIES OVERNIGHT at Camp LiLoLi, second a friend who owes her money is planning on visiting and paying her back this afternoon and I can't remember the third thing. Pastor Ben gave a wonderful sermon.   After the service was over, Jan and I met up with Peggy and Deb in the kitchen and we started setting up for the CONNECT LUNCHEON.  A lot of people came, and an extra table had to be set up.  We had soup and sandwiches and played BINGO.  Also, Ann Hood gave a brief talk about various scams and how we can spot them and protect ourselves.  I was extremely tired when I got home and after I took the trash out, I crashed on the couch in front of TV.  I slept a bit and continued watching BEFORE WE DIE.  It is a Spectrum special and there are three episodes available now.  I don't know when more epis

Friday April 1st, 2022 and Saturday April 2nd, 2022

FRIDAY: In the morning I went to the place where I had my hip x-rayed and got a disk with the scan on it and a copy of the report to take with me when I go to the orthopedic doctor in a couple of weeks.  I read the report and it sounds pretty bad.  However, today my hip and leg feel pretty good.  Good enough that I decided to go to the Y and walk a bit.  I met up with Jan there and we walked (kinda slowly) for about fifteen minutes.  Then I decided to buy twenty dollars' worth of tickets for the basket raffle.  There isn't anything there that I would really like to win, but I wanted to support the Y.  I stopped at SUBWAY and used a coupon to get a six-inch sub for $3.49, took it home and had it for lunch. Betty called and asked if I can pick her up at the airport a week from today at ten thirty a.m.  I told her that I have an eleven-a.m. appointment with Dr. Fetterman (eye check).  She is going to call a few other people.  I told her that if nobody else can pick her up, I will