
Showing posts from April, 2021

Thursday, April 29th, 2021

Pam called this morning and asked if I am interested in taking a trip to Watkins Glen.  I told her that I have been there so many times that it does not interest me anymore.  We discussed a few other trip ides and  possibilities and decided to MAKE IT HAPPEN.   Elaine called.  She has been home from her trip to Florida with her sister for a few days.  We agreed to try to get together to do something fun soon, perhaps next week.  I think the local movie theatres opened up sometime this week, so we hope to go to a movie and to OLIVE GARDEN for lunch.  She told me that her best friend, Nancy, found a house to purchase over in the area near FREEDOM CHURCH.  It is a ranch with a garage and a fairly large yrd  I am all caught up on EVERY episode of THE HANDMAID'S TALE including the first three episodes of Season Four, which debuted on HULU yesterday.   I started reading this book:   It is excellent.  I heard about...

Wednesday, April 28th, 2021

 I had an appointment with Kevin Kopeck at NorthWest Bank this morning.  After that I met up with Pam at Day Road Park and we took a nice long walk, without masks!  Then we crossed the street and had lunch at the Parkside Diner  I had a hot ham and cheese sandwich and coleslaw and a small Dr. Pepper.  Pam and I had a nice time together. When I got home, I worked on getting my NorthWest Online Banking set up so that I could add companies to bill.  I had to call tech support to find out that it was not working for me because they did not have an email address for me.  So, I took care of that and added one of my credit card companies and paid a bill.  

Tuesday, April 27th, 2021 Life Group, etc

 I got up earlier than usual and got my day started in anticipation of a phone consult with my ENT's office.  It went well and my two regular prescriptions (Pantoprazole and Flonase nasal spray will be refilled as well as a second nasal spray that I can try later on in the day._  I made an appointment for May of 2021. The LIFE GROUP was small this morning, but it was very good.  When it ended, five of us decided to go out to lunch at THE FIELDSTONE.  Four of us had the special which was either TURKEY DIVAN OR TURKEY DIVINE.   Fresh roasted turkey on a piece of toast with broccoli and cheese sauce and mashed potatoes with gravy.  I asked for both the cheese sauce and gravy on the side, and that worked pretty good.  I decided to call Social Security AGAIN about the money they owe to Mary Anne's estate.  The first person I  spoke to told me that I had not provided the correct document.  I wanted her to stay on the line long enough...

Monday, April 26, 2021 Lots of People have COVID.

 I decided to end my self imposed quarantine today because it is the fourteenth day after my second vaccination.  So, as of today, it should be having its full effect.  I called Peg this morning and told her I was going to go to Wegmans and asked if she needed anything.  She said no.  I told her I would get her a loaf of ORGANIC ROSEMARY SOURDOUGH bread.  Both she and I really like this bread and it is only available at Wegman's, fresh baked in their bakery.   On the way to Wegmans, I decided to stop at KOHL'S.  I looked for a denim vest and also for some zippered pillow covers, but I did not find either.   At Wegmans, I looked for non food items to purchase using the one hundred dollar gift card that Carrie sent me for Christmas.  I was able to find over fifty dollars worth of useful items.  I also purchased the bread and a few other items.  I delivered the bread to Peggy before going home.   I pretty much ...

Sunday, 4/25/21

 I had some difficulty getting to the beginning of FREEDOM CHURCH's eleven a.m. service this morning but I was able to watch it in Facebook Watch, only missing a couple of minutes.  The service was great.  Pastor Craig's sermon was phenomenal.   My takeaway from the sermon is this:  OTHER PEOPLE'S CRAZY CAN EFFECT YOU BUT DON'T LET IT INFECT YOU.  I removed the lift from the tub and cleaned the tub and took a whirlpool bath.  Then I got dressed and I was going to walk over to Betty's house to see if any mail was delivered yesterday but it was kind of cold and windy, and I had to move the car in order to bring the recyclable can up to the front of the house, so I drove over. I decided to try my hand at replicating the craft class I participated in at the Y a couple of months ago.  It involved gluing strips of tissue paper to a clear glass vase.  I decided to try it with a clear glass upright lamp globe.  This is how the finished prod...

Saturday, April 24th, 2021

 David came over and worked on the ramp today.  He was here for a few hours.  I helped him some.  When he left, I called Applebees and ordered a CRISPY ORANGE CHICKEN BOWL.   I picked it up curbside.  It was good but the picture on the website showed it having broccoli in it and mine did not have any broccoli.   I scanned Peggy's photographs from her first trip to Israel in 1992 and added them to her flickr account.  Earlier today, my cousin Susan posted on FB that her dear friend Elverta DiCastro was turning 100.  I was thinking it might be a nice idea to send a card or note to Elverta when I happened to find a card she sent in in 2017.  So I wrote out a card and got it ready to mail.  I never met Elverta.  She was saved at age 57 at Uncle Bill's church on Walker Avenue in Baltimore.  Peggy and Dad met her years ago, probably when she lived with Uncle Bill and Aunt Wilma in Baltimore while attending a semester a...

FRIDAY, April 23rd

 I slept kinda late this morning.  I prepared banana pancakes for my breakfast.  I cleaned the bathroom this morning.  I decided to walk over to Betty's place to check her mail and then decided I might as well take a longer walk since I was going out.  I walked downtown and picked up a sandwich at Papa Leo's.  I ate half of it in front of City Hall, where I took a few pictures.   I picked up Betty's mail and went home, where I rested for a bit and watched a couple of episodes of THE HANDMAIDS TALE.  Peggy called and said she is feeling pretty much back to normal, but she still has to quarantine for the full ten days.  

THURSDAY, April 22, 2021

 When I called Peg to find out when she will go for her COVID test, I got the bad news that Jim Ander had a heart attack (I think this happened yesterday) and is in a Buffalo hospital (Mercy).  His wife, Karen, was asked if he has a DNR, so it sounds like it is serious and that he may not make it.   I called my Aunt Linda (she lives down south, I think Louisiana) and told her about it, since she was married to Jim's brother Frank.   She gave me the phone number for Jim's brother who lives here in Lockport, so Peg and I have it in case Karen needs it.  She had indicated to Peggy that she had been unable to reach him.    Linda said Jim is 71 or so.  I took a whole fruitcake out of my freezer so that I can give a large piece of it to Myrna.  I was concerned how it would freeze, but it is great!!! Just like fresh.  I took some meatloaf and the fruitcake over to Myrna. Turns out that Peggy has COVID.  Since she and I were in ki...


 I had a nine fifteen  a.m. appointment with Kevin K. at NorthWest Bank.  I was a few minutes late because of  cleaning my car off (I think we had 3 inches of snow during the night) and also I moved some stuff in the garage so that I could put my car inside it when I got home.   The meeting with Kevin went quickly and smoothly and I signed the paperwork to have my Principal Distribution sent to my Money Market Account.  I will also put some of my inheritance into a new SYMMETRA account.   We agreed to meet next Wednesday to finalize that.  After that I went to Niagara Produce and purchased some produce and then took those items home before going to my eye appointment with Dr. Legaretta. Before going home, I filled up on gas, stopped at Rite Aid and picked up two Jr. Roast Beef sandwiches for five dollars at Cucimato's.   I also drove out to Outwater Park to take a few pictures of the Magnolia trees with fresh snow on them....
 soft bigotry of low expectations  (can we expect disadvantaged people have the inability to get a personal ID?)     It almost seems normal for everyone to know that if  certain group of people do not get their way, there will be riots, destruction, targeting the police, death, looting etc.   is insurrection from the left OK, but not from the right? the trial: defense was weak pros. weak I did not feel the pros proved 'beyond a reasonable doubt" manslalughter seemed more likely judge refused to change venue full week of testimony from onlookers about how awful  they felt when watching normally in courtroom the focus is the defendant, what he did, did not do the trial is a wick...............will it get lit, will it not be lit...................... since 1/6  media has been hammering us with the biggest threat to American government, and our way of life is the radicals running into the capital bldg.   small group of morons (out ...

Tuesday, April 20th, 2021 Life Group and Travel Agent

 I attended the Tuesday morning Ladies Life Group at FREEDOM.   Cindi was our leader today because our usual leader, Elaine, has been exposed to COVID.   Apparently, a group of Freedom people were with Horace and Becky Wilcox a few days ago, and now Horace has tested positive for COVID.  It is kind of ironic, since Horace has resisted wearing a mask and social distancing from the beginning.  Anyways, the group went very well.  Sue Rausch returned after a long absence.   After that I had an appointment with Maureen to meet with our travel agent at AAA, so we could get some questions answered.  Our main concern is that our agent is moving to Florida in ONE WEEK.   She did not tell us that when we purchased our AMTRAK trip to Glacier National Park.  After that I picked up a slice of pizza at SCAPELETTI'S and then drove through COLD SPRINGS cemetery because someone on facebook had mentioned the spring tree blossoms. ...

Monday, April 19, 2021 Y, History Center, etc.

 I met up with Jan at the YMCA and we walked the track for a half hour or so.  Then we left and met up at the Niagara County History Center for the  NIAGARA  ARTS GUILD Spring Art Show 2021.   After viewing the art, we each voted for our favorites.   While there, she purchased the book about Glenwood Cemetery and I purchased this book.  and I purchased five dollars worth of tickets for a raffle of a beautiful quilt.   After I left the History Center, I drove to Outwater Park to see the trees in blossom.  I am not sure what they are, but I chose a good time.   When I got home and picked up my mail, I had several emails and phone calls to make.   In the evening, Betty called a couple of times and I agreed to pick up her mail when she is in Florida, she leaves in two days.    I watched AMERICAN EXPERIENCE:  The Life of L. Frank Baum, the creator of the Wizard of Oz.  It is excellent. ...

Sunday, April 18. 2021

 Church was excellent this morning except for when Pastor Craig announced that someone from our congregation has COVID.  I am hoping and praying that this person did not spread it to others before his or her diagnosis. (this has happened twice before at FREEDOM).   Pastor Craig still has not recovered his sense of taste and smell, which COVID took away from him several months ago.   After church I offered Betty one of my REID's  gift cards and we met up there for a quick lunch.  When I got home (and changed into my pajamas) I tried to reach Linda by phone, but she did not answer.  I decided to bite the bullet and see if I could get my new sleeping bag back into its cloth bag.  It took a bit of effort, but I got it in.   I reached Linda by phone at two thirty p.m. and we talked for an hour and a half.  She is still working even though she is 66 and collecting her Social Security because her agency does not have enough aides...

SATURDAY, April 17, 2021 At Home

 In the morning I kind of wanted to go someplace and do something, so I called Betty and Marlene, who were both busy.  I messaged Jan on FB and she did not see the message for a few hours.  By that time, I was involved in two projects:   labelling my Hilton Head trip pictures, and going through my pillow cases in order to give some of them to the GOOD WILL.  I had way too many, and chose a dozen or so to donate.   David called while I had both pictures and pillow cases strewn around in two different rooms.  He wanted to come over with his pressure cleaner and start the project of cleaning off the old stain on the ramp, so I agreed to get ready and help him out.  He came and we got started on that project.  Peggy arrived when we were finished.   Peg stayed for a while and she and I worked down in the basement both straightening and getting rid of stuff.  I found some photographs that interest me, a brand new NEW YORK s...

FRIDAY, April 16th, 2021

 I met with Kevin Kopek at NORTHWEST Bank this morning.  He made a couple of phone calls to check on two accounts that I was concerned about since I did not know if they were current or closed.  They were closed.  We reviewed my accounts at NW, and he realized that I am still using the checking account connected to Mary Anne's previous account, without any assignment of beneficiaries.  So, I opened a new checking account and assigned Megan and Christa as beneficiaries.  We talked about a couple more issues pertaining to the money in the new checking account and the money market account but did not reach a decision about exactly  what would work best.  I will call him next week and we will continue. Before going to Denny's to meet Marlene for lunch, I went to the library and read todays paper.  I read that the DIPSON Theatre at Eastern Hills Hall will re-open at the end of this month!   Marlene and I had lunch at Denny's and discusse...

Thursday, April 15, 2020

 Marlene called just as I was getting ready to leave the house to go to FREEDOM for Peggy's Life Group.  We talked a couple of minutes and agreed to meet at Denny's tomorrow at eleven a.m. for an early lunch so we can look over the paperwork regarding our train trip to Glacier National Park in July. Life Group was really good this morning.  After that I went to TOPS to return the three solar lights I purchased a couple of weeks ago that did not work.  I purchased a few groceries while there.  At home, I had lunch, took a nap and went through some of Mary Anne's bank statements and emailed back and forth to the attorney.  It looks the estate almost missed out on $24,000 in a Principal Account which is brokered by Key Bank.   I am sure it would have surfaced sometime, but if that happened after the final settlement of the estate, it might have presented a problem.  

Wednesday, April 14th, 2021

 I took my car over to BEAUMAN'S Garage and dropped it off this morning to have the oil changed, the air conditioning checked for repair and the heat shield under the catalytic converter looked at.  I walked home (it is about a mile).  I spent the morning doing laundry and small tasks involving paperwork.  I filed my recent credit card bills away, and organized some bank statements.  In preparation for my meeting with my financial advisor on Friday, I organized my NorthWest paperwork and wrote down some questions I need to ask.  I wrote a review of Pat George's law office on google.  I can't say enough good things about this law office. They are friendly, efficient and helpful......not some of the time but ALL OF THE TIME. They have a thorough knowledge of elder and estate law. They respond quickly to emails and phone messages. They are meticulous when it comes to details. Everyone went out of their way to make settling my friends estate easy fo...

TUESDAY, April 13th, 2021 Life Group

 This morning was the Ladies Life Group at FREEDOM.  I think there were about twelve of us there.  Cindi played her guitar and led worship for about twenty minutes.  After lunch I tried to reach Dee by phone.  She is down south with one of her daughters.  She did not answer, so I left a message.  I called Lydia and found out that she was hospitalized and is now in a rehab. her in Lockport.  She was playing BINGO and it was noisy so I could not hear her well.  I called Peggy to tell her that Lydia is in rehab.  She had not been informed about that.  I asked Peg if she and David have any plans for her birthday and she said she and David will go to the Buffalo Chop House where David will get a free meal for his birthday.  I offered to buy lobster and shrimp or whatever seafood David might like so that he can cook it for the three of us.  Peggy liked this idea and she called back later to tell me that he likes  the idea, ...


 Before going into the City of Niagara Falls, New York for my second COVID vaccination, I went to the Fashion Outlet Mall on Military Road to go to OLD NAVY.  I had a coupon for twenty dollars off of a purchase totaling fifty dollars or more.   I was hoping to find some spring short sleeved tops.  What I did find was a pair of "khaki's" for fifteen dollars and then I picked out a t-shirt that can be worn with those pants.  I was able to redeem my coupon and get the outfit for $15.00.   I don't really like the khaki pants but they fit snugly, are lightweight and will be good to wear for hiking, so that I will be able to see any ticks that land on me.    Then I headed to the Conference Center in the falls.  I parked in the same place and since I was early and needed to use a rest room, I went over to the Culinary Institute where I knew there was a clean ladies room.   My plans were to go to the Barnes and Noble and to the ba...

Sunday, April 11th, 2019

 I went to the eleven-a.m. service at FREEDOM today.  The sermon was really good.  After church, Betty asked me if I wanted to go to LaPorts for chicken and biscuits.  I said no since I had cabbage, onions and corned beef in my little crockpot.  I cooked up a few pierogies  to have with that for my lunch. Someone posted this picture on FB.  This is the welcome center just outside the door to the sanctuary.  I think it was taken today because Kim (in the middle) was wearing that dress today. I was eating supper and re-watching the first episode of ATLANTIC CROSSING on channel 100 (my on demand channel) when Betty called to tell me she was walking by.  If she had called earlier, I would have joined her.  

BIRDING BY CAR at the refuge: Saturday, April 10th, 2021

 I met up with Betty and Cindi at the visitors center on Casey Road, at the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge.  Several other people joined us.  The event was supposed to start at ten a.m. but the group leader did not show up.  Cindi started making phone calls, but Jan Beglinger arrived at about 10:20 a.m.  She had been waiting at the Cayuga Overlook and wondering where everyone else was until she figured out what the problem was. First we walked part of the HEADQUARTERS TRAIL, that runs behind the visitors center.  Then we got into our cars and followed her to MALLARD OVERLOOK, a spot that I had never been to before.  Jan said that a lot of people do not know about it.  At the corner where you turn to drive down to it, there is a sign saying DEAD END, which may make people change their minds about going down it.    Then we got back into our cars to go to the CAYUGA OVERLOOK where she set up her scope and we were all able to see th...

FRIDAY, April 9th, 2021

 I finished making the oatmeal raisin cookies this morning.  I made a couple of phone calls, one to Kevin Kopec at Northwest Bank, asking if he and I can meet soon.  The other to Baumann's Garage:  I made an appointment for an oil change, have the air conditioning checked and having the heat shield looked at (it started rattling again while I was in Hilton Head.   I went out and ran errands. I stopped by Mike's house to drop off some money I owed him and the boys for helping out with snow shoveling.  I visited with Janie for several minutes.    I took the rent check over to Peggy at Freedom Church. I stopped by to see Myrna and left her some cookies, a few slices of rosemary bread, some turkey soup and some supplies I thought she might use including disposable gloves and disinfectant wipes.  Then I went to the DOLLAR TREE to get some items including UTZ Potato Chips to take tomorrow when I go to the refuge.  I picked up two roast be...

THURSDAY April 8, 2021

Early this morning I baked a half a batch of Oatmeal Raisin cookies.  I didn't have time to use all the dough since I had agreed to meet up with Jan at ll:15 a.m. at WIDEWATERS.   I met up with her and we  walked on the trail that goes along the canal for about 45 minutes.  The canal has not yet been filled yet.  Underneath the bridge that does not work, we  saw this.  It looks like a sign for a McDonalds Drive Thru. and this bicycle that must have been found when the canal was drained. Then we went to 39 Locust Street for the event advertised by WILL"S KITCHEN.  It was called something like GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY and offered free hot dogs, free burgers and ice cream (it turned out to be crushed, flavored ice).    I think mainly it was a promotion for the BUFFALO Store, which recently opened.  

Wednesday, April 7th, 2021

 Yesterday, I went to the Ladies Life Group at FREEDOM CHURCH.  I think there were about nine of us there, and it went pretty good.   I was happy to find that $1,400 was deposited in my checking account when I checked online this morning!   I did a few jobs around the house, and worked outside in the yard for a bit, and then I met up with my sister, Gail, at REIDS, where we had lunch together.    I gave her some photographs and newspaper clippings from our childhood.  We had a nice time.   I watched the final episode of HEMINGWAY in the evening, and now I want to read one or two of his books.  

MONDAY April 5th, 2021 Olive Garden and Craft Night at the Y

First thing in the morning I started a crockpot of bean soup, leaving the crockpot on low when I left the house about ten thirty a.m. I had arranged to meet up with Peggy, David and Betty at Olive Garden at one p.m.  Before arriving at The Olive Garden, I first went to FEEL RITE, where I picked up some of my digestive enzymes, then to Old Navy where I found a great pair of jeans on clearance for six dollars and I picked up a shirt that Peggy asked me to look for, and then to WEGMANS where I picked up a few items including two loaves of rosemary bread.   We all had a nice lunch at OLIVE GARDEN, ordering off of the lunch special menu.  Peg, Betty and I all had the SHRIMP SCAMPI.    I gave Peggy the shirt and a loaf of rosemary bread. I went home and took a nap, Earlier today someone posted this on FB and I shared it to my timeline. getting up in time to get ready for CRAFTY CREATIONS at the Y.   I met up with Jan a few minutes before the class star...