
Showing posts from January, 2022

Monday, January 31st, 2022 Pat Tomaino's Funeral and Tuesday February first

MONDAY:   I arrived a few minutes early for the funeral. Sharon Dent got my attention and she said she was offering the use of her recreational vehicle which is at LightHouse Christian Camp in Barker during the summer camp for seniors.  It sleeps four, but it would mean sharing two beds.  Anyways, I expressed interest and took her phone number.   The funeral was very nice.  After the funeral, the family left to go to the grave site.  Peggy, Betty and I started putting the funeral meal together.   I think about 45 people were there for the meal.  It went well.  Betty and I stayed to help clean up.   On the way home, I stopped at the DALE ASSOCIATION and picked up the information for for filing income tax.  This year they are not making any appointments.   I will have to get my documents together and drop them off, and the tax preparer will call me if he or she has any questions.  The forms will be completed without the preparer and me meeting.   When I got home there was a message from

SATURDAY, January 29th, 2022 FREEDOM CONFERENCE and Sunday, the 30th

 It was a long day.  I arrived at the church a half hour early in order to help Peggy finish setting breakfast up.  A continental buffet breakfast was offered. Yogurt, fruit and granola to make parfaits, and cinnamon pastries.  I had brought some of my lactose free yogurt, so I was able to prepare myself a parfait.  The morning sessions went well and then we were treated to a pizza (from Sub-Delicious) and salad lunch.  Then we moved to the large sanctuary for the afternoon sessions.  Shirts were given away, but they were the green ones and I already have a green one.   When I got home, I shoveled the front sidewalk a bit.  SUNDAY January 30th, 2022 I met up with Jan at church and we managed to fit five of us in our row of seats, with some social distancing Glenda, Ann, Jan, me and Betty.   I was able to introduce Jan to Marsha and Ursula today.  After church, Betty and I met up at Burger King for lunch.  I am disappointed that she is not interested in using coupons.  I had one that w


 I slept late this morning, mostly because I just felt lazy.  I went out about noon and first went to Rite Aid and picked up my Xidra, and then to the Y.  I did about ten minutes on the Recumbent (?) bike and walked the track once and then it was time to meet up for the WALKING CLUB.   Jan was there on time, and a woman named Della and Brianna (our leaded).   I only walked a half an hour because I wanted to get home in time for a shower and a nice nap before leaving for the FREEDOM CONFERENCE. I arrived at the church at 5:45 and Jenny and I worked on setting the tables and preparing fruit for tomorrow's breakfast.  Peggy brought the food in around six p.m. and we got it all set up and ready to go.  It was a great meal. The first part of the conference was really good!   My hair looks terrible from the back!  (well, not so good from the front either) We will meet up tomorrow morning at ten a.m. for a continental breakfast.   I am not sure how long the conference tomorrow will be but

Thursday, January 27th, 2022

 I met up with Marlene at AAA and we met with Lynette and we re-booked our trip to GLACIER NATIONAL PARK.  There was nothing available in July, so we booked one in early August.    The price has gone up in one year, and we each have to pay an additional eight hundred and some dollars, even after a special discount that is being offered right now and the senior discount which I don't think we got last year when we originally booked the trip.   After that I went to Rite Aid hoping to get my Viberzi and Xidra.   My Xrida is not available yet but my Viberzi was and I haven't figured out why the price tripled.  I went to the library and read the current local newspapers for the past few days and I picked up a book, and then I went to Niagara Produce and purchased a few items including a steak which I prepared for my lunch.  I broiled it along with onions and mushrooms and ate half for my lunch. I made fruitcake in the evening.  Two large loafs, two small loafs and three cupcakes.  I

Tuesday, January 25, 2022 and Wednesday January 26th

TUESDAY 1/25    I went to the eye doc this morning.  I was there for about two hours. I made an appointment to have a minor procedure done on my right eye in a couple of weeks at the Legaratta office in Williamsville.  Basically, it is kind of a repair job on the new lens that was put in during my cataract surgery.  After this is done, I will get a new prescription for a new pair of glasses. I went to Auto Zone and purchased a new bulb for my headlight and then went to PEPBOYS where they put in it.  I spent the rest of the day at home, resting and also continuing to sort through clothing somewhat.  I emptied the bottom drawer in my large dresser, mostly jeans, tried them on and added a couple of pair of pants to a donation bag and put the rest in the wash.  I think they have been in that drawer since I moved here in 2014.    WEDNESDAY 1/26 I met up with Carrie, Sue Sprague and the physical therapist, Kelsey, at NELSON ORTHOTICS here in Lockport this morning.  The PT showed all three of

Sunday January 23rd and Monday, January 24th, 2022

SUNDAY:   Jan finally decided to try FREEDOM CHURCH.  She picked Maggie up (they live in the same apartment building) and I met up with them at church.  I introduced her to several people.  It was a tremendous sermon!  She signed up for the Seniors event next month PIZZA, PASTRIES and PAINTING.   Connie called in the evening and we talked for a while.  She has decided to NOT stay at HAMPSHIRE HOUSE, and move back to her trailer in Mountainview.   Frank is going to find an electrician who is licensed and insured to check out and take care of any electrical problems there may be in the trailer.  I encouraged her to wait until everything is REALLY ready before moving back, including getting her appliances moved from the old trailer to the new one.  MONDAY:   I slept late and returned to sorting through clothing.  I bagged up several items to go to the Good Will.  I left around 12:20 for the YMCA.  I saw Mike on one of the treadmills, but he couldn't hear me when I said "hi"

SATURDAY, January 22, 2022 Liz's Memorial Service

 Today was Liz Cloy's memorial service.   I was planning on going by myself until Peggy called this morning and said that she changed her mind and she wanted to go.  We arranged to meet up at PACKET BOAT LANDING apartments and leave my car there and go together to Middleport.  Our friend, Myrna, lives at Packet Boat and upon our return to Lockport we could visit her. The Memorial Service was very nice.  Betty read the 23rd Psalm out loud and talked about how Liz asked her to read it to her when she was in the hospital.  She did an excellent job. There was a luncheon downstairs after the service and Peg and I stayed and ate with Betty and her daughter, Debby.  It was cold cuts, ziti, etc. and was very good.   We returned to Lockport and visited Myrna for a half hour or so.  I took her two calendars, some cowboy bean soup, cookies, and a couple of other food items.   I rested and snacked the rest of the day, and continued watching LONGMIRE on Netflix.  When I was in "isolation&q

Friday, January 21st, 2022 Y and More

While watching more episodes of STAY CLOSE,  I spent a good part of the morning sorting through the shirts and tops in the small closet between the living room and Carrie's room.  I found several tops that I am sure I will no longer wear, so I bagged them up to go to the GOOD WILL. I met up with Jan at the Y for the WALKING CLUB.  We walked about 35 minutes before quitting.  We decided to go to the Palace on Monday night for the the lecture and slide show about the Lockport Locks.   On the way home I stopped at the church on the corner of Waterman and Genesee to see if they were offering any free food.  They did!  I got some bread, a container of potato salad, a fish dinner and some pineapple. 

January 19th, 2022 Mostly at Home and January 20th

 My PLOW GUY has not come yet, so I cannot get out of my driveway, so I decided to work on sorting through my closet and getting clothing I do not wear ready to donate.  I made some good progress, finding a LOT of items I never wear and do not need, and they are bagged and my closet in my bedroom is well organized with dresses and skirts at one end, then dress jackets, and then sweaters.   There are still a lot of tops (shirts) that need to be tried on and most likely I will end up putting them in the closet in Carrie's bedroom. The hill between my driveway and the street was taken down around one or one thirty p.m. so I had a quick lunch and then opened the garage and moved my car out.  The CHECK OIL PRESSURE light was still on, so I called Beauman's, and they said to bring it right over.  Unfortunately, I could not gete the garage door closed, due to snow too close to the sensors.  I left it open while I went to Beauman's where they put air in all of the tires (no charge)

January 18th, 2022

 I called my plow guy this morning and he said would be here this afternoon.   It is four p.m. and I am still waiting.  Betty was planning on picking up spaghetti dinners for her and I at SOLID ROCK, but she called a few minutes ago and told me that her son in laws sister, Liz, is "imminent" meaning that she will pass away today.  Hospice is there (I assume the Hospice nurse diagnosed this.  Liz's mother, son and granddaughter are there.  Her brother, Scott, and his wife, Debby (Betty's daughter) are attempting to book a flight.   I got to know Liz during several drives to Roswell, when I went along in order to keep Betty company.  This is the only picture I have of Liz, taken in December of 2019 at the CONNECT Christmas event.  Liz is on the right, with Betty on the left. Liz is around sixty years old, I think, and she lost her husband several years ago.  I once visited his gravesite with her and Betty. I mopped the bathroom floor this morning and vacuumed the living

January 17th, 2022 AT HOME SNOW SNOW SNOW

 I woke up to a LOT of snow, and travel restriction for the city until seven p.m. tonight.  They say we got over 18 inches, but I don't think it is quite that much.  My plow fellow came fairly early in the day, but he did not do a good job, so I am hoping he returns later on today or early tomorrow morning.  I dug out an area at the bottom of my steps in order to make a way for the mailman and so I could get out.  I cleaned out the pile the plow left in front of my garage door, but when I open the door, snow will fall into the garage.  My neighbor John Vetter swept through my front sidewalk with his snowblower.   I prepared honey carrots in my small crockpot and made cowboy bean soup in the medium size crockpot.  I talked to Gail, Peggy and Sue Rouse on the phone.  I found the movie DARKEST HOUR on netflix, about when Churchill first became Prime Minister in England. I got an email from Leslie asking for the exact dates for the event and our lodging at ASP in June.  That reminded m

January 15th, 2022 Calvin Wroten Funeral at FREEDOM CHURCH and Sunday 1/16

 I arrived at Freedom Church around 9:45a.m.  Peggy asked me to help out in the finishing touches in the small sanctuary where tables were being set up for the funeral dinner.  I did that and then returned to the large sanctuary for the funeral, which started about twenty minutes late.   The funeral was very nice, but of course, very sad.  Dom Wroten's father, who was only 48 years old, was murdered on the fifth of this month in Niagara Falls.  He left four daughters, Dom and her sister, Deja, and two very little girls from a separate relationship.  He and his first wife Rowena had remained friends after their divorce.  Apparently, Calvin was a pastor at Refuge Temple before he backslid.  But he did return to the Lord, Praise God!!!!  From what was said about him, he was a wonderful father.   His two youngest daughters have lost their father, and perhaps also their mother, since she may have been the one who killed him and is now in a psychiatric hospital.   I don't know who wi

January 13th and 14th, 2022

 1/13   I spent the day at home.  In the morning, I vacuumed and mopped the kitchen floor and half of the dining area floor.  The rest of the day I relaxed and finished watching THE GOLDEN PALACE. 1/14   I mopped the rest of the dining area floor.  I asked Marlene if she wanted to go to the Y for the walking club and she agreed. I went out to Feel Rite to purchase some supplements and drink mixes and a loaf of WHITE BREAD DONE RIGHT.   Then I went to VALUE and bought a few items including a different kind of liquid floor cleaner.   I met up with Jan and Marlene at the Y and we all participated in the Walking Club, which takes place every Friday between one and two p.m.  There were several women there who I had not previously met, Nancy, Judy, Jane were three of them.  After a half hour I told Jan I needed to rest for a minute, so I got off the track.  Apparently, Brianna (the leader) thought that meant I had done enough, and the group ended! In the evening, I continued watching  I had

January 12th, 2022

 I puttered around the house this morning and got a few things accomplished including writing out checks and birthday cards for Christa and and Chris and paying my membership dues for the Dale Association. Jan does not feel well and Betty was not interested in going to the Y this afternoon, so I decided to go by myself since I had to go out to mail a package at UPS and the Y is only a couple of minutes away  At noon, there was something like a ZOOM meeting regarding Carrie's goals etc.   When ir was over, I headed out, first to UPS, then to get gas, then to drop off four bags of stuff to the GOOD WILL and then to the Y, where I walked and used the recumbent bike and the Sci-Fit for forty-five minutes.   I picked up a deep dish pizza and crazy bread at LIL CAESERS. Peggy called to tell me that Gail's husbands' brother (Dan) passed away, and there will be calling hours this coming Sunday at Prudden and Kandt's and a funeral on Monday.  I called Mike to tell him.  We talke

Tuesday, January 11th At Home (it is cold out there)

 The phone woke me up a little after eight a.m.  It was Elaine and she wanted to know if I thought we should cancel the Life Group.  I think she called ME because I am usually the first to arrive on Tuesdays. After I found out that the temperature is FOUR DEGREES outside, I called her back and suggested that she cancel, because even though the local radio station said the roads are fine, most of the ladies who come to the Life Group are senior citizens and might be better off staying home.  She agreed and said she would start making phone calls.   Peggy called shortly after I talked to Elaine and she said her car told her that it is THREE WHOLE DEGREES outside! I puttered around and did a few things and decided to prepare myself a meatball sandwich for my lunch.  It was very good.  Jan messaged me on FB and told me that HULU is offering THE GOLDEN PALACE, a spin off after GOLDEN GIRLS last season.  I found it and really enjoy it.

Monday January 10th, 2022

 First thing in the morning, I called the Y and cancelled my registration for tonights CRAFTY CREATIONS class, due to the storm that is supposed to come in at six p.m. with wind and freezing rain.  Later on, I found out that they moved the class to next Monday due to the weather. I went to the DOLLAR TREE to get a birthday card for Christa and then went to the Y.  Jan and I met up for the SILVER SNEAKERS group exercise class.  They held it upstairs in the small gym and it went well.  There is a male instructor who is very nice.  Both Jan and I were concerned that we might not make it through, but we both did OK   Then we met up at TOPS for a quick light lunch.  I had a medium sized bowl of Italian Wedding Soup.  It was good, but kind of expensive (six dollars). I did not sleep well last night, so I laid down on the couch and put the newest Ben Shapiro podcast on TV (youtube) and I fell asleep.  I think I may have gotten about a full hour of sleep before the phone rang. I found a very o

January 8th, 2022 Saturday at Home and Sunday 1/9

 SATURDAY:  I decided to NOT go to Pam Nimetz funeral.  I did not know her.  I think I only said "hello' to her once.  And under the circumstances, I think the family would only want family and close friends there, not people who didn't know her.   ONE small MISSION ACCOMPLISHED !!!!!    I called a fellow from the local LIONS CLUB a few days ago and asked if they had any need for used wheelchairs and offered him THREE wheelchairs that have basically been taking up space in my apartment.  He came this morning and took all three.  He said they will not have any problems matching the wheelchairs to a person who needs them.  This frees up a little bit of room on my front porch, in Carrie's bedroom and on the deck off of my bedroom.  It is possible that a small chest in Carrie's room might fit into the empty spot on the front porch and that I might be able to bring in my roll top desk from the garage.  I will measure later on.   I tried to reach Connie in the evening, b

Friday January 7th, 2021

 Jan and I were planning on meeting up at the Y for SILVER SNEAKERS CIRCUIT.  But she called me and said she was not feeling very well and had not slept well.  I called both Pam and Betty, but Pam also does not feel well, and Betty had an appointment with her counselor to go to.  I went alone.  The class was smallish, and since I am so out of shape, I found it difficult even though most of it is simple (but fast) stretching type stuff.  On the way out, I donated ten dollars to a new campaign to raise money for the Y.   After that, I went to WEGMAN's to work on spending my $300 gift card.  I bought some cleaning and paper items, etc. and also some groceries.  On the way home, I stopped at Burger King and used one of my coupons.   Peg called after I got home to tell me that they have to change the dates of the FREEDOM CONFERENCE because Dom's father's memorial service will be the Saturday that was previously scheduled.   Dom's father was MURDERED in front of his house in

Thursday, January 6th, 2022

 Peg and I were hoping to go to SISTERS HOSPITAL in Buffalo so she could visit Dom's grandmother, who lost her son yesterday.  However, the weather in Buffalo is terrible, so she is only going to be able to speak with her on the phone   Whatever happened to Dom's father is definitely NOT natural or good since the apartment he lived in is designated a "scene".  He lived in Niagara Falls, which is a hotbed of crime.  His mother lived in the same building so even though she is being released from the hospital today, she cannot go home.   I started watching the old movie CROSSROADS on Tubi this morning.  It is excellent!!!!!   Elaine called and we talked for a bit.  I continued putting Christmas items away, and made good progress.  I will take my "large" tree (it is only about two feet tall) upstairs and I still have a lot of those really nice boxes that Lisa Pichey gave me to bag up to take to the GOOD WILL.  I may keep a few. I was just settling in for a nap w

Wednesday, January 5th, 2022

I had my hair cut, conditioned and blown dry at THE CUTTING CREW this morning.  I think Andrea took off more than the ONE INCH I requested, probably close to two inches.  I am going to try NOT wearing a headband, but so far, I am not sure it will work well.  My hair still fluffs up and looks terribly huge.  So, I may go back to using a stretchy headband to subdue it.   I met up with Jan at the Y.   I noticed that there was a senior's exercise class being set up, so I asked Jan if she wanted to do that, and she agreed. The microphone was broken so it was hard to hear the leader. After that, we walked the track for 20 minutes or so and then Jan used the treadmill while I used the Sci-Fit.   Then we went to COUSINS CAFE for lunch.   I had the turkey dinner.  Then we checked out a new store TERRIOR GENERAL STORE.  It was a bit disappointing, since they have so few products.  All are interesting and very expensive.  We also went into the kind of new bookstore (Lock City Books) right nex

Monday, January 3rd and Tuesday January 4th, 2022

MONDAY:   I had a dentist appointment this morning.  This time I had x-rays.  No problems shown.  After that I went to NW Bank to cash a check, the library and Niagara Produce.  It is really cold outside.  I also stopped at Prudden and Kandt and picked up a couple of calendars.   I tried to get hold of someone at UNIVERA so that I can renew my Y membership, but apparently EVERYONE else is doing the same thing.  I am tired of being put on hold and listening to music.   After lunch, I developed a headache, so I laid down, and I did fall asleep for a bit.  When I got up, I called Sue Rouse and we talked for a while.   Betty called me in the evening to tell me that Pam Nimetz passed away. Peggy called a little while later to confirm this.  Pam was in her late fifties.  I knew who she was but did not really know her.  Her father passed away in December and she could not go to his funeral because she had covid.   I was finally able to renew my Silver and Fit membership through Univera,  I ca

Sunday January 2, 2022

 It snowed in the night, and I wish I had put the car in the garage last night.   I picked Maggie up for church.  It was a combined service, three services in one, but not crowded, probably because of the weather.  My usual crew of senior ladies, Ann, Glenda and Betty, were not there.   After church and taking Maggie home, I went out to lunch with Marlene.  We went to THE OLIVE LEAF.  I had the senior grilled chicken dinner.  It was good, but probably not good enough to watch again. When I got home, I took the garbage out and started watching the Netflix series DAMNATION but I turned it off after fifteen minutes or so, due to the profanity and other filth.  I worked more on putting Christmas decorations away, and decided to keep my snowmen out, as well as the angel I made during a group gathering at the church a couple of years ago.  That particular group had to do with women in the church offering support to women living at Madonna House, a halfway house for newly sober women.  Laura

New Year's Day 2022 at Home

 I put a pork roast, carrots, sweet potatoes and onions in the crockpot and covered most of that with orange juice.  I thought about calling Marlene to ask her if she would like to come over for supper, but I decided not to, since I want to do several things around the house, including putting Christmas decorations away and if she were to come, I would want to make desert and muffins, etc., which would take me away from the tasks I want to work on.  I completely stripped my bed all the way down to the mattress cover and started laundry.  I tried on all the clothing items I bought yesterday to make sure they fit well, and in case I might want to return some of them.  They all fit well and I will keep all of them, so I started washing them.   I continued watching THE SPANISH PRINCESS.  I talked with Peggy on the phone, and Lisa Pickey called and I spoke with her for a while.  She had her foot surgery two weeks ago and is recuperating at home. Peggy visited Dottie in the hospital and had