
Showing posts from January, 2021

Sunday, January 31, 2021

  The sermon at FREEDOM SOUTH was excellent!  When I got home, Carol K. called to tell me that last night around midnight (EST) she thought she was chatting privately with me on facebook, but after  a couple of minutes, she realized that it was not me.  I had leftover turkey, stuffing and gravy for lunch. I had just laid down to try to get a nap wh en the phone rang, and it was Christa and Nikolai.  They were concerned because I have been hacked twice on Facebook over the past few weeks.  They suggested that I first change my password for my primary email account and then change it on facebook and then change it on every site I use.   Soooooooooooooooooo  I started that process.  It actually went fairly quickly and easily. I watched four hours of PBS in the evening,   QUEEN VICTORIA AND HER CHILDREN, ALL CREATURES LARGE AND SMALL, MISS SCARLETT AND THE DUKE and the first episode of THE LONG SONG.  


 I got the turkey into the oven at 10:50 a.m.  It is stuffed and I have a casserole dish of stuffing to heat up later on.  While working on the turkey, I listened to this weeks STEEL ON STEEL episode, which is all about the assault on free speech.  I need to find the new book by Erwin Lutzer WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED.  Turkey, stuffing (both in the bird and out) cranberry sauce, blueberry muffins, squash, applesauce and chocolate cream pie.    Water, hot tea or strawberry lemonade for drinks.   Peg and David arrived right on time and I served dinner right away.  They both said it was great.   David looked at the antique clock that Mary Anne gave me and then he looked it up on ebay and it is worth maybe a couple of hundred dollars.   Then we looked at some tourism info for Hilton Head and discussed our upcoming trip. It was a nice evening.   They invited me to their house next Saturday night for a meatloaf dinner.

Friday, January 29, 2021

 I called Betty in the morning to remind her to use her OTC benefit from Univera. She told me that Liz was released from Roswell yesterday.  I uploaded pictures from Megan, Chris' and Cassy's trip to Lockport in the summer of 2001.  I am not sure who took the pictures, maybe Peggy.   I made a chocolate cream pie for tomorrows dinner.  I decided not to go to Myrna's brothers internment this afternoon because the weather was terrible.  I watched FIVE EASY PIECES.  I think someone on the Daily Wire podcast said it was his favorite movie.  Well, it is NOT one of my favorite movies.  I thought I might like it because I have liked everything I have seen with Jack Nicholson.   I took a nap and then prepared a pasta, cheese, meatball casserole for my supper, and had some rosemary bread and butter beans with that.  The casserole was good.  I froze some of the leftover and have another serving in the frig.   Peg and I talked on the phone and set five p.m. for supper tomorrow night. 

Thursday, January 28th, 2021.................. Stuff

 I find it hard to believe that the decision is to go ahead and hold an impeachment trial even though they already know that he will not be convicted.  I think the purpose of an impeachment is to remove an official from office.  BUT, Donald Trump does not hold any public office.  What a waste of taxpayer money AND it takes time away from working on the COVID 19 pandemic.  I just don't get it. I am excited about preparing a turkey dinner for David and Peggy this coming Saturday!  It has been close to a year since I have had anybody over to my house for a meal.  And doing that is one of my favorite things to do!  Anyways, the menu is turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, applesauce, butternut squash, blueberry muffins and a desert. I went to WalMart and bought ingredients to make a chocolate cream pie.  I decided I needed a third cushion for my third kitchen chair.  I found one at WalMart (they only had one), in Buffalo Plaid.  I thought the price was five dollars, but at the che

Wednesday, January 27th, 2021

 I decided it would be a good day to drive out to FEEL RITE and purchase some of the digestive enzymes that I take regularly with meals (and I think they help a lot).   I called ahead and placed my order and they agreed to do a "curbside delivery".  I have seen a couple of items that I like, from OLD NAVY on my facebook feed, so I thought I might go there and see if they are available. Unfortunately, I left my wallet laying on my kitchen counter, so I did not have any credit cards,  any money, my license or my AAA card. So, I couldn't buy anything at OLD NAVY.  I had a couple of WENDY'S gift cards so I stopped at Wendy's in Lockport and got a baked potato and a free seniors drink.  A couple of minutes before I arrived home, the little light signaling low tire pressure came on.  I had to go to the bathroom, so I continued on home, used my bathroom and located my wallet and then called Beauman's and they said to bring the car over, so I did. The technician said

Tuesday, January 26th LIFE GROUP

 I went to LIFE GROUP at Freedom South this morning.  I think there were eight of us there.  It was very good.  At the end, a few people were talking about going out to lunch.  I went out to check the weather and saw that it was snowing hard and building up, so I went back to the sanctuary and suggested (strongly) that everyone go home instead of going out for lunch.   Before leaving, I helped Mary clean off Karen's car.  The drive home was a bit iffy.  The plows were already out.  I put my car in the garage, and was glad to get inside.  I fixed lunch and finished watching  THE SISTER.    It had a happy ending. Leslie and I emailed back and forth regarding our birthday getaway.  It will be either Letchworth, Stony Brook or Naples, NY.   I decided to watch the last episode of BIG SKY because a new episode comes on tonight and I have forgotten what happened.  Unfortunately, I fell asleep in my recliner and missed the ending which was the most crucial part.   In the evening Connie cal

MONDAY, January 25, 2021

 After breakfast, I started working on cleaning and organizing.  I have let things go for the past several months because nobody sees the inside of my house except me.   However, Peg and David are coming over Saturday night for turkey dinner, so I decided it is time to buckle down. Sue Rouse and I played a bit of phone tag starting when I missed her phone call because I had the vacuum cleaner running.   Then Leslie called and we talked for ten minutes or so.  I am disappointed because her last email said she was willing to spend her stimulus money to go to Allegany State Park, but she only wants to go if there is an event taking place, like the geocaching event or the nature pilgrimage event.  Cottages are all booked up for those two events.  But now I am really wanting to go to ASP in the spring, so I might start asking around to see if someone else might want to accompany me. Or maybe not since I already have my five nights in October secured. I called Pam to make sure she knows that


 I got to church early in order to save a seat for Myrna.  She came with one of her granddaughters.  The sermon was good this morning.  There were more people there than we have been getting at the eleven a.m. service.   After lunch, I met up with Betty at Outwater Park and we walked for about a half hour.  I tried to reach Connie by phone, since we have been playing phone tag for a couple of days.  She did not answer.   Connie called in the evening and we talked for a few minutes.  I settled in to watch my Sunday night PBS shows.  QUEEN VICTORIA AND HER NINE CHILDREN,   MISS SCARLETT and THE DUKE,                                                                              and ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL.  Peg called and we talked for a bit.  She wants me to go through her tourist information for Hilton Head.  I agreed.   I invited her and David over for a turkey dinner next Saturday.  That will be an incentive for me to get the house in order in the meantime.  Actually, I already s

Saturday, January 23, 2021 Chocolate Gravy and Biscuits

 While getting my early Facebook fix, I saw that someone posted an old time recipe for CHOCOLATE GRAVY over biscuits.  It looked easy enough and I had a package of canned biscuits in my frig. so I decided to try it for breakfast.  CHOCOLATE GRAVY and BISCUITS 1 ½ cups sugar 2 ½ Tablespoons flour 2 ½ Tablespoons cocoa 1 ½ cups milk ½ cup water A few drops of vanilla (optional) Mix sugar, flour and cocoa in a large skillet then add the water to mix. Add the milk and cook on medium heat until thick. Add the few drops of vanilla while cooking (optional) I forgot to add this Serve over hot buttered biscuits It was easy enough to prepare and fabulously delicious.  However, I can really feel the difference in how my body feels.  I have been eating nutritious breakfasts every morning for a very long time and I feel much better on those mornings. Debbie McMillan gave me Donald Trumps address at Mara Laga so I sent him a thank you note for all he did for the USA and Americans.  There is that oth

Friday, January 22, 2021 EZ Pass Nightmare/New Coleslaw Idea

Betty and I talked on the phone a couple of times in the morning.  She is a bit upset because she has not received her January SNAP benefits yet.  I have mine.  She submitted her HEAP application and is waiting to hear.  We talked about how she got a COVID benefit applied to her NYSEG bill, and I didn't, but I had an  EAP applied to my NYSEG bill in 2020 after my regular HEAP benefit was used up.  I never applied for it and had never even heard of it.  Go figure.  David, Peg and I will use my vehicle for our trip to Hilton Head Island next month.  David suggested that I get an EZ Pass, since so many highways are eliminating toll booths.  Online I found locations where they can be purchased.  Since TOPS on Rochester Road was listed, I decided to go there, since it is right across the road from AAA, and I needed to get some maps for the upcoming trip.   Purchasing the tag was simple enough, but it has to be registered before use.  I tried doing it online first, but all of a sudden, a

Thursday, January 21, 2020

 Peggy's LIFE GROUP was this morning at FREEDOM CHURCH.  It was just Peggy, Betty and I, with Bobbie on virtual.  It was a very good meeting.  We are still working on BECOMING A WOMAN OF FREEDOM, which we started last fall.  We took a hiatus when COVID reared its ugly head.   After leaving FREEDOM, I went to WENDY'S and purchased a five dollar BIGGEE BAG.  It is a drink, a sandwich (I chose crispy chicken) fries and chicken nuggets.  It is a pretty good deal.  I did not eat the whole thing, mostly because I had an appointment at THE CUTTING CREW to have my hair done.  I have decided to go gray, but I was really hating how it looked to have a huge white/gray stripe down the middle of my head.  I called them the other day and explained my predicament and asked if there was anything they could do to help me out and was told to come in at noon the next day (yesterday).  Laura had a long look at me and told me that she thought highlighting my hair that still has color on it might he

Wednesday January 20th, 2021

 I had my eye appointment this morning.  It went well.  I guess Dr. L forgot what he told me during my last appointment:  that he would be putting some kind of tubes in.  I remembered while I was there, but I did not mention it.  Maybe I don't need them anymore......................?  Anyways, he wants me to return in three months. I then went to the Y and walked the track for about 20 minutes before going to THE CUTTING CREW.  I had called yesterday to ask what might be done to help me transition from looking terrible since I have stopped putting permanent hair color in my hair and plan to "go gray".   I talked to Laura who recommended a procedure for my whole head that involves highlighting all of my hair with gray, and when I brush it, it will blend together.................I am nervous about how this will look, but set an appointment time for tomorrow at 12;30, right after Peg's Life Group.   There was a WOMENS PRAYER SERVICE tonight, but I decided not to attend. 

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 Return to Life Group

Betty called this morning to tell me that she decided to NOT go to Life Group this morning, since she overslept.  She also told me that Liz (her son in laws sister who has cancer) is not doing well.  She is in Roswell and she has sepsis.   After almost two months, the Tuesday Morning Ladies Life Group at Freedom Church,  led by Elaine DeWeen resumed.  When a bunch of people who attended another Life Group and the Gather and Give event were diagnosed with COVID,  and Western New York was referred to as a HOT SPOT for Covid (which indeed it has been),  our Life Group was called off temporarily, and church shut down Sunday services for a few weeks, too.  I think the other Life Groups were halted temporarily, too.  Peggy's Life Group which I also attend, had just completed a series, so it did not have to shut down.    Anyways, there were several of us there this morning, Elaine, Ann, Louise, Robyn, Vicky, Karen, myself and two or three others.  As usual, it was quite rambling and disor

Monday, January 18th

 I guess I shouldn't have eaten that goat cheese yesterday, since I woke up this morning to a serious case of diarrhea. I did a few household tasks and uploaded pictures from Christmas 2000 to my flickr account and then I decided to go to the Y to walk the track.  I called Betty to see if she wanted to meet me there, but she said no, that she was in the middle of cleaning her bedroom.  Before going to the Y, I stopped at the Dollar Tree and stocked up on a few items that I typically buy there:  tissues, kitchen can bags, dish liquid, Vaseline Lip Moisturizer, etc. I only walked about fifteen minutes at the Y because I just did not feel at all energetic.  On the way home I stopped at Wendy's and bought a TWO FOR FIVE:  two of Dave's singles, along with a free senior drink.I did a few more jobs around the house, and talked to Betty on the phone again before taking a nap.   I wasn't able to fall asleep, probably because of the Dr. Pepper I got from Wendy's.  When I wok

Sunday, January 17th, 2021

 I did not sleep well at all last night.   I arrived at church early and saved Myrna's favorite seat for her.  She, Betty and I had the last row on the right hand side to ourselves.  Craig spoke about SATAN'S TROPHY WALL, and showed us this trophy that his brother in law caught.    After lunch, I realized how exhausted I was so I laid down and I am pretty sure I slept at least a full hour (maybe more). I spent the rest of the day at home.  I called Christa and wished her a Happy Birthday.  Later on, I was able to reach Dee, who is spending the winter with one of her daughters down south (I think Tennessee). I spent a little bit of time looking at information about tourism in and around Hilton Head Island, in preparation for my trip there in a little over a month. I watched the first episode of QUEEN VICTORIA AND HER NINE CHILDREN.  and then the first episode of MISS SCARLET AND THE DUKE Both are excellent!   Then I watched the second episode of ALL THINGS GREAT AND SMALL.  WOW!

Saturday, January 16, 2021

 After I got ready for the day, I went over to Peggy's house two pick up a couple of  BLESSING BOXES and addresses where they should be delivered.   I delivered both boxes and then went to the LOCKPORT OUTDOOR STORE and picked up another set of JaxTrax.   They are almost out, so I am glad I got them today.  I called Pam and suggested we meet up at the Y so we could walk the track.  However, when I arrived at the Y a few minutes before noon, I was told they were closing in a few minutes.   While there, I paid the $1.00 I owe for the upcoming craft class.  Monday, February 1st at six thirty p.m.    I waited in the parking lot for Pam and we decided to go to the Day Road Park for our walk.  We met up there and took a short walk.  It was too cold to walk long.   Before going home, I called THE MAYFLOWER and ordered some take out food for my lunch.   When I got up from my nap, I returned a call from Betty.  Then I checked my front porch and found that my BLESSINGS BOX had been dropped o

FRIDAY, January 15, 2021

 I called 211 after seeing an article in the local newspaper that  this was the number to call to make an appointment for a coronavirus vaccination.  I waited a LONG time to music and repeated messages, before finally giving up.  I spent the remainder of the morning delivering boxes to various places in Lockport and one closer to Newfane.  I also took some fruitcake and turkey pot pie over to Myrna.  Since I had to drive past REID'S on the way home, I decided to try out their new drive thru.  I ordered a burger and fries, both with sauce.  I was disappointed that they did not package these to go............I was handed a paper plate with both items on it!   However, I noticed that they are using heavier more sturdy paper plates.  Anyways, my food was hot and good and I ate part of it on the drive home. When I got home, I tried calling 211 again, and this time I requested a call back, which came an hour or so later.  Even so, I was not able to make an appointment, because they are a

Thursday, January 14, 2021 Day Out with Peg

 Becky called this morning, she needed to know when the library is open.  I also told her I have the phone number to call to get an appointment to get a Covid vaccination.   I met up with Peggy at her house.  As soon as I got in their house, David showed me the new painting by Morris Katz that he got off of ebay.  Morris Katz used toilet paper to paint with, and incorporated bits of toilet paper into the paintings.  This is their second one.  It is extremely colorful.  I suggested to them that maybe they don't really need it, that my birthday is coming. Peg's car was loaded with several of the BLESSING BOXES that we put together at FREEDOM CHURCH a couple of days ago.  We delivered a few of them on the way to Amherst, where we delivered the books to the friend of the Christie's.    By that time we were getting hungry and started debating whether to go to Papa John's for cheeseburger pizza or to the Boulevard Mall to see what is offered in the food court.  We decided to

WEDNESDAY, January 13, 2020 At Home, Pot Pie, Fruitcake and SECOND Impeachment for DJT

The sidewalks and driveways are a sheet of ice today, so I decided to stay home.  I had a call from Dom (at Freedom South) and I agreed to deliver 13 of the BLESSING BOXES to homes here in Lockport.  They need to be delivered by Saturday evening.    I got a phone call from the manager of the residential home that Carrie lives in to tell me that all of the residents are quarantined for the next ten day due to a staff member who had an exposure to COVID.   This means Carrie will not be able to come home this coming weekend, which is her birthday weekend.  Naturally, I am disappointed.  I think that they wanted to get this message to me before the ten a.m. live internet meeting to update Carrie's Life Plan.  I did not have any difficulty getting into the platform for the meeting.   One of the issues discussed in the meeting was how Carrie has accumulated a lot of money that needs to be spent soon, or else she will lose her eligibility for SSI and Medicaid.    It was even suggested tha

TUESDAY, January 12, 2021 BLESSING BOXES and Donating Blood

I arrived at FREEDOM CHURCH at ten a.m. and Peggy put me right to work, making and putting stickers saying 2021 PRAYERS on jars, and using the paper cutter to divide copies of a letter explaining the BLESSING BOXES into two pieces.  Maggie Weeks was busy with another task in the youth sanctuary and Horace and Becky were doing other tasks in the hospitality room.  We worked steadily until a little after noon when Peggy served us lunch.  Sandwiches, drinks, chips and a cookie.   Bill and Judy Honecker arrived to help out around that time. After eating we went back to work.  I took several pictures.   The HOSPITALITY ROOM was set up like an assembly line where workers walked around the table and put items into the boxes.  I was not involved in this part of the project except for doing one box for photo ops. I think Horace was cutting apart labels to put on the front of the boxes I worked on cutting apart the two copies of the explanatory note that went into each box. and making labels tha

Monday January 11th, 2020

 I really slept late today, it was close to ten a.m. when I woke up. I had been awake for a couple of hours in the middle of the night.    Shortly after breakfast, I tried to reach Pam to see if she wanted to meet me at the Y to walk the track.  I left her a message and she never got back to me.  I did a few household organizing jobs and decided to run a few errands.  Betty called a couple of times.   I think it was one p.m. when I finally left the house.   I went to the library and made some copies and then I went to the downtown Rite Aid, hoping to get some BOGO deals on some supplements I needed.  They did not have what I wanted.  I then went to the Y and walked the track for twenty minutes.  I ran into Dominic who was my original trainer and we talked for a bit, mostly about national parks in California.  Joanna at the front desk mentioned to me that there is an upcoming craft class and I signed up for it. I tried the other Rite Aid on the way home and found the supplements (Red Ye

January 10, 2020 It was a NO ADVENTURE Sunday.

I called Myrna this morning to find out if she needed me to save her a seat at church.   She said no because she was preparing a turkey for a turkey dinner with her family today.   I arrived early at church to help give out coffee, tea and hot chocolate at the coffee bar because it was the final week of AT THE MOVIES.  Peggy had the coffee already made and all the items set out.  The other helper did not appear, so I handled it alone, but it went well.  Ann was handing out cupcakes just inside the sanctuary door. I took mine home.    Today's movie clips were from the movie I STILL BELIEVE, which was released last year.   After lunch, (the other half of the submarine sandwich I bought at Wegmans yesterday and a small cup of cabbage roll soup),  I took a nap in my recliner and I also watched last nights 48 HOURS, which I missed last night.    I prepared banana pancakes for my supper.  Connie called while I was cooking.  We only talked for a minute or two, long enough for Connie to te

January 8th and 9th, 2020

 FRIDAY the 8th.  I slept in a bit and made myself some banana pancakes for breakfast.  I wrote out a birthday card for Christa and a New Years card for Megan, and got them ready to take to the post office to mail along with a couple of other items.  I called Oxbow and arranged for Carrie to be transported home for her birthday.   Since I had to go out to the post office, I decided to go to WalMart and get some multi vitamins and see if I could find a kitchen trash can in a darker color.  I was successful in finding both items and purchased a few groceries.  I ran into Betty in WalMart and we talked for a few minutes.  She is concerned because she has not received her $600 stimulus check yet.  I think she just needs to wait patiently, they seem to be coming in waves.  I dropped off a booklet about THE OUTER BANKS in North Carolina for Peggy and David.  I napped in the afternoon and watched too much TV in the evening.  Peg and I agreed to meet up at her house at one p.m. tomorrow to be

Thursday, January 7th, 2021 SEVENTH DAY HIKE

I had an opportunity to try out my new YAKTRAX (ice traction devices that connect to the bottom of shoes or boots).    Peg picked me up and we went to the Town of Lockport Nature Trails on Slayton Settlement Road.  We had a nice long hike, about two miles.  We saw some rock art ! Toennison Falls was especially beautiful today.  We halfheartedly looked for two geocaches, but really could not figure out good ways to get to them, since they appeared to be deep in the woods with LOTS of brush, etc. in the way.  We ran into Wayne and Sharon Dent, and talked to them for a few minutes.  I was happy with my YAKTRAX, once I started walking I didn't even feel them.  Of course, I didn't give them a full work out since these trails are flat and  well maintained.  I am just going to leave them on my winter boots for now.  I need to get a new pair of hiking boots for when warmer weather gets here.  I will probably try the LOCKPORT OUTDOOR STORE first, since Paula got a pair of Merrill boots